
Vol.093 A New American Century?
  • Photographic Report
    Airbus, Survivor of International Political Turbulence
    by Kazuto Suzuki
  • Special Feature: A New American Century?
    by Satoshi Machidori
  • The Superpower Embedded with Fantastical Thinking by Takafumi Ishikawa
  • America as a Nation of “Island Universes” by Yasuhiro Hirai
  • The End of the Enlightenment? by Alexander Stille

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  • Americanism and the U.S. Healthcare System by Takakazu Yamagishi
  • The Liquid Society by Mark Lilla

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  • To Be in a Country in which the Middle Has Collapsed by Ryuichi Kanari
  • Open Letter
    “A Letter on Justice and Open Debate”
  • Articles
    Forgiving and Forgetting
    by Takehiro Ohya
  • The American Century and the Failure to Solve the Race Problem by Sayuri Guthrie-Shimizu
  • Essay
    Plagues and Art
    by Shuji Takashina
  • Photographic Report
    A London Lockdown Diary
    by Norito Kunisue
  • Essays
    Will COVID-19 Change the City?
    by Terunobu Fujimori
  • Zoos Trapped in COVID-19 by Yuichi Mizoi
  • Articles
    The Science and Politics of COVID-19
    by Hideyuki Hirakawa
  • The Inconvenient Truth of International Straits: Chinese “Freedom of Navigation”
    Operations and the Dilemma for Japan
    by Akira Mayama
  • Correspondence on current thought
    Authors Inside Birdcages: On Fang Fang’s “Wuhan Diary”
    by Kyo Cho
  • An American “Sellout” by Kohei Aoki
  • Essays
    The Way Forward to a Knowledge-Creating Nation
    by Kazuhiro Takii
  • Trust in Government: The Local and National Level by Masahiro Zenkyo
  • Correspondence on current thought
    “Nudge”—Third-Party Influencing of Behavior
    by Hirofumi Kurokawa
  • “Nonessential” Business Struggling to Cope :
    The Case of Pachinko Parlors
    by Jaehyang Han
  • Essays
    Beethoven’s “Ninth” Fostering a Love for Humanity?
    by Hiroshi Watanabe
  • Thoughts on Artificial Meat by Daisaburo Okumoto
  • Serials
    Hakuson Kuriyagawa: The Man Who Sowed Dreams
    Part 5. From English Professor to Up-and-Coming Young Critic (Part 1)
    by Kyo Cho
  • Philosophical Desultory Thoughts 4
    The Emergence of Rhythm and Language Culture
    by Masakazu Yamazaki
  • Heisei History 3: A Period of Frequent Natural Disasters
    (Part 2)
    by Makoto Iokibe