
Vol.091 The Future as Possibility - Japan in 100 Years
  • Preface
    The Future as Possibility - Japan in 100 Years
    by Masayuki Tadokoro
  • Special Feature: The Future as Possibility - Japan in 100 Years
    The Present as Possibility - 2020 Japan as Forecast in the Past
    by Masayuki Tadokoro
  • The Past as Possibility - The Century - long Debate Over the Treaty of Versailles (1919) by Akira Okubo
  • An Emperor System for World Peace by Naotaka Kimizuka
  • From Survival and Security to Happiness and Openhearted Tolerance by Natsuko Matsumori
  • The View from 1000 Years in the Past by Isao Kumakura
  • Even So We Earnestly Continue to Predict the Future by Yasushi Watanabe
  • Not Marrying Because “Luxury Is the Enemy” by Toianna
  • The Collapsing Century by Ryota Fukushima
  • Shrinking Regional Cities in the Digital Age by Susumu Egashira
  • China and the US May Each Have Broken Up into Four Parts but “Detective Conan” Goes On by David A. Welch

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  • The Rising Value of Spiritual Experience by Nameko Shinsan
  • Unchanging Human Nature and Historical Starting Points by Shigeki Hakamada
  • Even So Democracy Is a Pretty Good System by Satoshi Machidori
  • Hope, Ha! by Yuji Genda
  • What Sort of Japan Will Survive? by Jun Iio
  • Thoughts on the Banks of the Kamo River by Naoyuki Agawa
  • Changes in Sitting Customs and Body Type and Their Meaning for Traditional Performing Arts by Yukiko Okimoto
  • Prediction is a Matter of Observation by Takashi Inoguchi
  • The True Meaning of “Living in the Now” by Naoki Miyano
  • A Liberal Country Ruled by Conservatives by Kentaro Maeda
  • Hoping for a Time When “Free Choice” Is Not Forced Upon One by Toru Takeda
  • Now If It Were 30 Years… by Terumasa Nakanishi
  • 2120 Debates Over “Pure” Yamato Skin Color and Android Tears by Seiichi Hayashi
  • A Re - Start for Civilization - From Japan’s Moon Base by Kyo Cho
  • Toward an Age of Rental Clothing by Michimasa Ogata
  • Toward a Non - misogynistic Society by Hiroko Ikegami
  • Japanese Written in the Western Alphabet in a Post - Print World by Takumi Sato
  • Japaneseness in a World of Intense Individuality by Yoko Iwama
  • From Corporate Society to PR Society? by Ha Kyung - Jin
  • Can Communities with Differing Value Systems Coexist Peacefully? by Sayaka Oki
  • Living as a Low - population Country by Chizuko Ueno
  • From Creating Individual Art to Producing Universal Images by Atsushi Miura
  • As Long as There Are Trees , There Will Be Oysters by Shigeatsu Hatakeyama
  • Everyone With Their Own Calendar by Izuru Makihara
  • A “One - Inch - Boy,” Small - island Philosophy of Architecture by Terunobu Fujimori
  • A New, Made - in - Japan Philosophy by Yu’ichiro Anzai
  • Shrines Doggedly Surviving by Michiko Miyatake
  • Living with Uncertainty Is the Human Condition by Takashi Shiraishi
  • A Modest Proposal for the “Insectification” of Japan in which It Develops a Strong Outer Shell and Hibernates by Kaoru Iokibe
  • Seeking a Western Pacific Union (WPU) by Shin’ichi Kitaoka
  • The Future of Housing in Reference to the Past by Akiko Honda
  • A Conversation with Mr. X, a Time Traveler by Yu’ichi Hosoya
  • Books Will Not Become Extinct by Hisako Tajiri
  • Division and Solidarity Under Globalization by Ryosuke Maeda
  • Life as Fleeting as a Mayfly by Daisaburo Okumoto
  • Can “Thinkers” Survive? by Tadashi Karube
  • The Pleasures of Thinking About History Will Continue by Masakazu Yamazaki
  • A Dream of Showa and High Tech by Takashi Sakai
  • What Makes the Best - tasting Whiskey, Wine, and Beer Will Never Change by Shingo Torii
  • The Unchanging World of Old and New by Saburo Kawamoto
  • Changes in Lifestyles and Aging by Junko Saeki
  • An Unchanging Metropolitan and Prefectural System? by Yosuke Sunahara
  • Will We Even Last Another 100 Years? by Shuji Takashina
  • The Slow Course of Bio - political Power and Thanato - political Power by Ken Endo
  • Japan at the Mercy of the Trump Political Dynasty by Fumiaki Kubo
  • Looking to My Grandchildren to Carry on Japanese Culture and Introduce It Abroad by Toru Haga
  • What Will Be the Dividing Point Between “Modern History” and “Contemporary History” as Seen in 2120? by Matao Miyamoto
  • A World Full of Gulliver’s Ill - tempered Immortals? by Takenori Inoki
  • A Country Starved for People by Kiyokazu Washida
  • In the Past Japan was a Major Debtor Nation… by Takero Doi
  • A Vision of Nothingness by Tamotsu Aoki
  • If We Were to Start From What Probably Will Not Change by Takehiko Kariya
  • Will People in 2120 Be Speculating About 2220? by Masashi Miura
  • Hoping for a Japan Continuing to Quietly Resist the Rest of the World’s “Common Sense” by Silvio Vita
  • Toward a World Coexisting with Chance by Sayaka Ogawa
  • The History of the “Long 21st Century” as Seen in 100 Years by Satoshi Ikeuchi
  • Photographic Report
    A Close Look at Dust Sleeve Designs for “SP” Phonograph Records (1912-1955)
    by Yoshinori Kyotani
  • Photo - essay
    The Hamamatsu Festival - by Hamamatsu People for Hamamatsu People (Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture)
    by Hiroki Azuma
  • Roundtable Discussion
    Responding to Global Problems
    With Bill Emmott,
    Fumiaki Kubo,
    Jonathan Rauch,
    Masayuki Tadokoro,
    and David A. Welch
  • Serials
    Hakuson Kuriyagawa: The Man Who Sowed Dreams
    Part 3, Striking While the Iron Is Hot - His Days at the Third High School (Daisan Kotogakko)
    by Kyo Cho
  • Heisei History: A Period of Frequent Natural Disasters (Part 1) by Makoto Iokibe
  • The Transformation of World History: Prolegomenon
    Part 6, Origins of the Human Gaze
    by Masashi Miura