
Vol.089 The Paradox of Choice of Citizenship
  • Photographic Report
    Ratanakiri Shamans: Visiting Minority Tribes in Northern Cambodia
    by Yu Kaneko
  • Foreword
    The Paradox of Choice of Citizenship
    by Masayuki Tadokoro
  • Special Feature: The Paradox of Choice of Citizenship
    Citizenship’s Absurdities
    by Masayuki Tadokoro
  • Becoming a Zainichi-Korean by Seiichi Hayashi
  • The Paradox of Dual Citizenship by David A. Welch


  • A Korean Becoming a Canadian:
    Separating Ethnic/National Identity and Citizenship
    by Seung Hyok Lee


  • The Casual Canadian: The Lightness of Citizenship and Identity in Canada by Andrew Cohen


  • The Japanese Who Unwittingly Became a British Citizen by Shogo Suzuki
  • The Possibilities and Limitations of Apportioned Citizenship by Takehiro Ohya
  • Experiencing Statelessness by Chen Tien-shi
  • Essays
    Students I Taught in Kyoto, Especially One Particular Korean Student
    by Toru Haga
  • Photo-essay
    A Group Reviving Memories of the Past
    The Tsushima Korean Envoys, Past and Present
    The Chosen Tsushinshi (Korean Envoys)
    Procession Council (Tsushima, Nagasaki Prefecture)
    by Naoyuki Agawa
  • Essays
    Tsuguharu Fujita, Artist of Two Countries
    by Shuji Takashina
  • Discoveries about the History of School Songs in Japan by Hiroshi Watanabe
  • Correspondence on Current Thought
    The Sapporo Night Sky: Thinking About the Energy Problem from Inside a Disaster Zone
    by Junichiro Shiratori
  • Wartime Globalism: Visions of World Order and the Post-Sovereign Political Space by Ryosuke Maeda
  • In Response to Minoru Hokari’s Radical Oral History by Ryoko Sachi
  • A Summer in the Shade: A Time of Trial for the Saudi Crown Prince by Satoshi Ikeuchi
  • Essays
    A Comparison of Employment and Research Opportunities for Young PhDs
    in Japan and the United States
    by Koichiro Ito
  • The Far-reaching Consequences of “Intellectual Neoliberalism” by Yoshiaki Fukuma
  • The Changing Japanese Family: Caught Between the Imperial Household’s Blood Family and the Made Family of the Movie “Shoplifters” by Masataka Endo
  • Expressing Oneself in Concrete by Terunobu Fujimori
  • Slow Reading: On Mishima’s “Inochi Urimasu” (A Life Up for Sale) by Daisaburo Okumoto
  • Round-table Discussion
    Japan After the 2020 Olympic Games: Tokyo and Regional Japan
    A discussion amaong Shin-Ichi Fukuoka, Kengo Kuma, Takashi Mikuriya,
    and Kiyokazu Washida
  • Serials
    Hakuson Kuriyagawa: The Man Who Sowed Dreams
    Part1, His Youth in Kyoto and Osaka
    by Kyo Cho
  • Philosophical Desultory Thoughts 1: The Phenomenology of Taste by Masakazu Yamazaki
  • The Transformation of World History: Prolegomenon
    “Tirant lo Blanc” and “The Battles of Coxinga” (Kokusen’ya Kassen)
    by Masashi Miura
  • Forum Report
    Reexamining Japan in a Global Context
    Mass Media in Japan, Fake News in the World