
Vol.099 Artists Crossing Borders
  • Photographic Report
    Praying at the Ethiopian Orthodox Church in Tokyo
    by Itsushi Kawase
  • Special Feature: Artists Crossing Borders
    by Kyo Cho
  • Japanese Musicians Active in Europe by Seiji Choki

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  • Currents of Japonisme
    — The Hybridity Seen in Japanese Painters in France
    by Atsushi Miura
  • The Shadow Cast on Japanese American Art by World War II by Mai Sato
  • Portraits of Japanese Brazilian Artists by Michiko Okano
  • Transborder Festivals in the Brazilian Nikkei Community by Sachio Negawa
  • The Present State and Future Potential of Literature by “Dekasegi” Nikkei Brazilians by Angelo Ishi
  • Diversity in Japanese American Authors by Kaori Mori Want
  • What Does It Mean to Cross Borders? by Masashi Miura
  • The “Manyoshu” Across Borders A Discussion with
    Makoto Ueno,
    Peter MacMillan,
    and Kyo Cho
  • Essay
    Fireflies, Grasshoppers, Even Spiders…
    by Shuji Takashina
  • Photographic Report
    Images of Death—Sketches, Death Masks, and Bronze Statues
    by Ayaka Murashima
  • Essays
    Transformations in Architecture
    by Terunobu Fujimori
  • The Elevator at Osaka Castle and the Problem of Authenticity by Hiroshi Watanabe
  • Articles
    Japan, the Ambiguous, and Masks
    — COVID-19 Measures and Remains of the Empire
    by Tomohisa Sumida
  • The Development of Western Music Education in Modern Japan
    — The Acceptance of Such Concepts as Scale and Harmony
    by Maho Nakatsuji
  • Correspondence on Current Thought
    Gender and Art
    by Izumi Nakajima
  • Advancing Through Creative Integration
    — The Present-day Significance of the Mary Parker Follett Theory of Management
    by Takuo Ando
  • New Developments in Theories of Nationalism by Ryo Nakai
  • Essays
    Data Journalism Opening Up One’s Experience of the News
    by Kazuki Ogiwara
  • Man-Made War and Fictional States by Yu Koizumi
  • Serial Project
    The Plan to Explore the New Coming Together and Fusions of the Two Cultures
    Part 4 (Final). Interdisciplinary, From Challenge to Everyday
    by Taeko Ando,
    Ayako Gotoh,
    Satoshi Sakurai,
    Gouranga Charan Pradhan,
    Soichiro Mitani,
    Jun Murata,
    and Naoki Miyano
  • Essays
    The Psychology and Historical Background Behind Clemency Petitions
    by Toshiki Koyama
  • José Ortega y Gasset’s “The Revolt of the Masses” vs. Harmless and Complacent Masses by Naoyuki Agawa
  • Some Thoughts on Global Warming by Naomichi Ishige
  • Serials
    Revisiting the History of Jiangnan (Southern China)
    Part 4. From “Land of Disease” to Revolution
    by Takashi Okamoto
  • The Beginnings of Entomology
    Part 4. The People Who Supported Japanese Entomology
    by Daisaburo Okumoto
  • Heisei History 6: Toward China’s Rise to Power and a World of US-China Confrontation by Makoto Iokibe