
Vol.090 Redefining the State: 130 Years Since the Meiji Constitution
  • Photographic Report
    Celebrating the Materiality of Architecture Tinged with Ages Past
    by Koichi Kato
  • Preface
    Redefining the State: 130 Years Since the Meiji Constitution
    by Tadashi Karube
  • Special Feature: Redefining the State: 130 Years Since the Meiji Constitution
    The State, Political Parties, and the People: A Three-Pronged Political History Lacking a Firm Center of Gravity
    by Yuichiro Shimizu

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  • Regional Society and the Meiji Constitutional System: Bureaucracy, Political Parties, and Village Headmen by Maho Ikeda
  • Vestiges of the Tianxia Confucian World Order: The Ordeal of Modernity in East Asia by Satoshi Hirano
  • When Japan Became a Modern State: From the Mito School to the Theory of Sovereignty by Tadashi Karube
  • Early Meiji “Chikyo”: A Reconsideration of the Problem of Religion and State by Kota Saito
  • Differing Historical Debates over the Proper Military System by Hiroyuki Ohara
  • Constitutional Principle and Theory in the Creation of the Meiji Constitutional System: The Problem of Sovereignty by Kazumasa Kado
  • Permutations of That Bugbear “Tochiken”: Japan’s Constitutionalism Still Bound by the Constraints of the Meiji Constitution by Hideaki Shinoda
  • “State” and “Society” in Showa Japan by Sungeun Cho
  • Essay
    Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko and Tao Yanming’s “Peach Blossom Spring”: A Personal Memory
    by Toru Haga
  • Photo-essay
    The Re-creation of a Singular Folk Custom
    The Kaminoyama Kasedori Folk Event Preservation Association (Kaminoyama City, Yamagata Prefecture)
    by Hiroki Azuma
  • Essay
    Visionary Architecture, Architectural Vision
    by Shuji Takashina
  • History Movies and the Post-Truth Age by Hiroshi Watanabe
  • Correspondence on Current Thought
    “I” Narratives and Contemporaneity: Writing, Reading, and Translating
    by Hiroshi Araki
  • Ritual and Intercultural Arguments by Yoko Nii
  • Essays
    Further Investigations of Yakisugi
    by Terunobu Fujimori
  • Musings on the Siege of Paris by Daisaburo Okumoto
  • Report from the Dojima Salon
    For a Place Wedding Knowledge and Virtue
    by Takenori Inoki
  • Essays
    The University of Michigan and Japan’s Modernization
    by Kiyoteru Tsutsui
  • The Future of “Franchising” in Post-Heisei Japan by Satoshi Machidori
  • On Reading a Biography of My Teacher, Ryuji Hattori’s “Kosaka Masataka” by Ryoichi Tobe
  • Correspondence on Current Thought
    Raymond Aron: The Origins of French Theories of International Relations
    by Yuichiro Miyashita
  • Remembering the Year 1989 by Yuichi Hosoya
  • An Introductory Math Book by a Charismatic Economics Professor by Kaiji Motegi
  • Serials
    Hakuson Kuriyagawa: The Man Who Sowed Dreams
    Part 2, The Importance of Playing the First Note
    by Kyo Cho
  • Philosophical Desultory Thoughts 2
    Schopenhauer’s Boldness and Vacillation: A Close Reading of “The World as Will and Representation”
    by Masakazu Yamazaki
  • Heisei History:Era Names and the Times by Makoto Iokibe
  • The Transformation of World History: Prolegomenon
    Part 5, Ways of Looking at Southeast Asia
    by Masashi Miura
  • Forum Report
    Reexamining Japan in a Global Context
    The Meiji Ishin and Kaikoku