
Vol.097 The Ukraine War: A Global Perspective
  • Photographic Report
    The Korean Dancer Sai Shoki (Choi Seung-hee) in New York in the 1930s
    by Hyunjun Lee
  • Special Feature: The Ukraine War: A Global Perspective
    by Hiroshi Nakanishi
  • International Relations Theory Under Challenge:
    The War in Ukraine and Its Interpretations
    *Original Title: The Impact of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
    by David A. Welch

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  • Why Did Putin Suddenly Start a War? by Yoko Hirose
  • To Understand Russia and Ukraine at a Time of War by Andrii Portnov
  • The Trap of Mutual Dependence: Pitfalls Posed by Economic Weaponization by Kazuto Suzuki
  • The Collapse of Two Myths and the Return of Energy Geopolitics by Shunpei Takemori
  • South Asia and the Ukraine War: The Key Is China
    *Original Title: The effects of the Ukraine conflict on South Asia – uncovering the clashing world views of populist autocracies vs. (neo)liberal democracies
    by Marie Lall

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  • The “Othering” of China in Taiwan by Tsuyoshi Nojima
  • Hard Realism: Examining the Roles of Nuclear Weapons by Nobumasa Akiyama
  • War in a Time of No “Grand Narrative” and the Conditions for Peace in the 21st Century by Hiroshi Nakanishi
  • Essays
    The Emotional Landscape of Japanese Art and Poetry:
    Thoughts on the Utamakura Exhibition
    by Shuji Takashina
  • School Songs as a Cultural Resource:
    The Hidden Drama in Their Transformations
    by Hiroshi Watanabe
  • On the Rising Regard for Architecture by Terunobu Fujimori
  • Photographic Report
    The Web, the Spider’s Web, and Avidya:
    Connections Between the Digital World and the Allusive World of the Spider in Art and Literature
    by Shigemi Inaga
  • Dialogue
    A World Returning to Superpower Rivalry
    A Conversation Between Bill Emmott and
    Masayuki Tadokoro
    Edited by Amiko Nobori
  • Essays
    American Exceptionalism Giving Rise to Large Swings of the Pendulum
    by Yasushi Watanabe
  • Ukraine and the Nuclear Question in Japan:
    Resisting the Foregrounding of Emotion
    by Toru Takeda
  • Why Ukrainians Oppose a Temporary Ceasefire by Tsuyoshi Goroku
  • Religion and Politics as Reflected in the Ukraine War by Saho Matsumoto
  • Correspondence on Current Thought
    Literature Is Food for the Soul
    by Kyoko Numano
  • Serial Project
    The Plan to Explore the New Coming Together and Fusions of the Two Cultures
    Part 2. The Humanities Interrogating the Sciences
    by Satoshi Sakurai,
    Gouranga Charan Pradhan,
    Soichiro Mitani,
    Naoki Miyano
  • Essay
    When a Woman Awakens to Social Reality
    by Yoko Iwama
  • Correspondence on Current Thought
    Double Suicide and Femicide: The 1888 Chambige Affair in Algeria
    by Aya Umezawa
  • Terrorism, Nazis, and Algeria by Satoshi Udo
  • Challenging Eurocentrism:
    From the Frontlines of International Relations Theory
    by Naosuke Mukoyama
  • The Legacy of Paul Volcker by Masaaki Shirakawa
  • Essays
    Vintage Pianos
    by Izumiko Aoyagi
  • Lonely Harbor, Lonely Japan by Naoyuki Agawa
  • Serials
    Revisiting the History of Jiangnan (Southern China)
    Part 2. Changes in “Manzi”
    by Takashi Okamoto
  • The Beginnings of Entomology
    Part 2. The People Who Supported Japanese Entomology
    by Daisaburo Okumoto
  • Heisei History 5: Japan and International Developments Since the End of the Cold War by Makoto Iokibe