
Vol.088 Special Feature: The End of the Liberal International Order?
  • Photographic Report
    Monsters and Romanesque Art: Greek Mythology Alive in Medieval European Temples
    by Momoe Kanazawa
  • Preface
    The End of the Liberal International Order?
    by Yuichi Hosoya
  • Special Feature: The End of the Liberal International Order?
    The Liberal International Order in History
    by Masatsugu Naya
  • The Authoritarian Challenge to the Liberal International Order by Aaron L. Friedberg
  • The Counterattack of American Nationalism: Wilsonianism in the Age of Trump by Toshihiro Nakayama
  • Will China Thrive If the Liberal Order Falls Apart? by Minxin Pei


  • The Putin Regime and the Revival of Geopolitics: Russia’s Self-Identity as a Great Power by Yu Koizumi
  • “New India” and the Liberal International Order at the Dawn of Naval Great Game Era by Vivek Prahladan
  • Germany’s Alignment with the West Under Threat: The Throes of Contemporary German Diplomacy by Takumi Itabashi
  • Essays
    On the Passing of Haiku Poet Tota Kaneko
    by Toru Haga
  • Freedom or Death? Thoughts on Viewing Paul Delaroche’s the Execution of Lady Jane by Shuji Takashina
  • For a More Child-like, “Pidgin English” Approach to Foreign Cultures by Hiroshi Watanabe
  • On the Comprehensive History Courses in the Revised High School Curriculum Guidelines by Tadashi Karube
  • Implications of the Decreasing Number of Scholarly Works Being Published Written in Japanese by Satoshi Machidori
  • The Onsen Town Saved by a Marxist Architectural Scholar by Terunobu Fujimori
  • A Day at the Fabre Insectarium by Daisaburo Okumoto
  • Photo-essay
    Island of Bulls, Kappa, and Men: A Visit to the Oki Islands (Shimane Prefecture) to See the Ancient Tradition of Bull Sumo
    by Naoyuki Agawa
  • Articles
    Germany’s Declining Role: The Power Shift Within the EU
    by Wolf Lepenies
  • The Young Yasuhiro Nakasone: Development of the Argument for Constitutional Revision by Shinichi Kitaoka
  • Correspondence on Current Thought
    Can Revisionism Be Revised? Recent Trends in the Study of Cold War Cultural Diplomacy
    by Hiroko Ikegami
  • The German Philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte by Hideto Kumagai
  • Correspondence
    Bill Emmott in Dialogue with Masayuki Tadokoro: The Continuing Crisis of Liberal Democracy


  • Serial
    The Transformation of World History: Prolegomenon The Chinese Classic Water Margin (Shui Hu Zhuan) and the One Thousand and One Nights (Part 3)
    by Masashi Miura
  • Forum Report
    Reexamining Japan in Global Context Recovering from Disaster