
Occupational Safety

Our Approach

Following the Suntory Group Basic Policy on Production and Research Health and Safety, which was established in February 2010, production and research departments, work hard to eliminate occupational accidents, giving this top priority based on the belief that the safety and health of its employees, including those of its business partners, take precedence over all else. The Group requires its suppliers to ensure safety in workplace as set out in the Suntory Group Supplier Guidelines.
In order to prevent occupational accidents on new and ongoing projects, Suntory Beverage & Food thoroughly reviews business plans and work breakdowns to assess occupational safety and health risks. We will continue to work tirelessly to raise safety awareness among all employees at our workplaces, not letting up on our steady efforts to reduce risks at facilities and in operations. In cooperation with our business partners, we will work even more closely as a group to eliminate occupational accidents.

Implementation Structure

Safety is one of our criteria for evaluating worksite performance at our plants. Our Health and Safety Committee, which includes employee representatives, plays a central role in the promotion of activities that, based on the discussions with employees, are customized to match the characteristics and circumstances of each worksite. We will continue working to increase employee awareness and to improve their safety during working hours and commuting with the goal of zero occupational health and safety accidents.