
Policies and Our Approach

Nature and its ecosystems — forests nurtured by water, rivers, oceans, atmosphere and living creatures — are the valuable management foundation of the business of the Suntory Group, which includes Suntory Beverage & Food (“the Company”). As a company whose products rely on the blessings of nature, we strive to protect nature and its ecosystems when sourcing the water and other ingredients we use, by practicing water source conservation and bird conservation, and shifting to sustainable agricultural practices.

The nature and its ecosystem - forests nurtured by water, rivers, oceans, atmosphere and living creatures - are the foundation of the Suntory Group's business

Implementation Structure

Our Initiatives

Water Sustainability

Suntory Natural Water Sanctuary

To preserve the integrity and sustainability of groundwater, the Suntory Group, which includes Suntory Beverage & Food, has been cultivating forests in the watersheds around our plants as sanctuaries to nurture groundwater. These forests recharge more than twice the amount of water withdrawn by our plants in Japan. Forests that nurture pristine groundwater are also rich in biodiversity. When the forest ecosystem is restored, the flora and fauna also begin to thrive in new ways. The Suntory Natural Water Sanctuary is managed systematically through continuous monitoring of the ecosystem, which includes plants, birds, and other wildlife. Considering how wild birds are a barometer of environmental health, we have experts conduct a wild bird survey every year to furnish a broader understanding of the changes taking place in the entire supporting ecosystem.
At Natural Water Sanctuaries in Japan, we are carrying out an Eagle and Hawk Chick-Rearing Support Project to support the nesting and breeding of birds of prey, which are at the top of the ecological pyramid. The aim is to continue maintaining forests rich in biodiversity from the perspective of protecting birds.

Ecological pyramid & Water cycle pyramid

30by30 Alliance for Biodiversity

In April 2022, the Suntory Group, which includes Suntory Beverage & Food, joined the 30by30 Alliance for Biodiversity. The alliance is formed as a voluntary coalition of local governments, companies, and NPOs to conserve or protect at least 30% of Japan’s land and sea areas by 2030 to halt loss and restore biodiversity. Its objective is to promote and to actively communicate the initiative to expand Japan's national parks and to register socio-ecological production landscapes (satochi-satoyama) and company-owned forests in the World Database as OECMs*.
As a member of this alliance, the Suntory Group aims to contribute to achieving the “30by30” goals by having its Natural Water Sanctuaries certified as OECMs. The company will continue to promote sustainability management to conserve biodiversity and to achieve sustainable society.

  • *
    OECM stands for “Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures.” OECMs are areas conserved at the initiative of private organizations or areas where the conservation of nature is achieved mainly as a by-product of other management.

The “Suntory Natural Water Sanctuary Biodiversity Restoration Report” was issued in September 2022. The report is structured into two parts — a "Facts & Data" section that summarizes various issues facing Japanese forests and an “Actions” section which provides simple explanations and examples of activities taken to address these issues in the Suntory Natural Water Sanctuary.

サントリー天然水の森 生物多様性『再生』レポート

Looking at Groundwater — Comparing simulation models with results from field surveys

One of the main purposes of our Natural Water Sanctuary Initiative to improve the function of forests for recharging water resources.
As a way to evaluate the results, Suntory has been trying to quantitatively evaluate the amount of groundwater recharge using a groundwater flow simulation model since 2006 and is finally approaching a level of accuracy which would allow the model to be used. Through the simulation of groundwater flow, we attempt to simulate where groundwater passes and how long it takes to reach the factory, and combine it with field survey information to deepen understanding of the underground which we normally cannot see. We would like to incorporate these results into the maintenance plan which will lead to more effective cultivation of water source recharge areas.

  • Water source survey

    In addition to simulation results, it is also important to combine these results with results
    based on information gathered in the field during hydrologic surveys, etc. for verification.

Bird Conservation

Recognizing that wild birds are barometers of the environment, Suntory has advocated that protecting birds leads to protecting human beings and the natural environment and started its bird conservation activities in 1973. The company established the Suntory Fund for Bird Conservation in 1989 to promote environmental conservation by providing grants to various bird conservation activities. The Fund has granted a total of approximately 600 million Japanese yen to a total of 494 organizations as of the end of 2022.

  • 1st Save the Birds! Campaign newspaper ad

    1st Save the Birds! Campaign newspaper ad

  • 1st Save the Birds! Campaign newspaper ad

Sustainable Agriculture Program