
Health Management

Our Approach

Aiming to achieve 'healthiness'

Suntory Beverage & Food promotes "Health Management" with the aim of ensuring that each and every employee and their family members are "healthy" both physically and mentally. We believe that ensuring that our employees are in good health will lead to a fulfilling daily life and rewarding work. In addition to measures such as the enhancement of health check-ups and prevention of lifestyle-related diseases, we will establish a system where employees can easily consult with industrial physicians and nurses. We are also working to improve daily support by building a system that allows employees to consult with occupational physicians and nurses, and expanding new consultation services.
Based on "healthy"" body and mind, we will aim to grow while simultaneously improving our work and private lives, and to deliver a "healthy" life to consumers.

Makiko Ono
President & Chief Executive Officer
Suntory Beverage & Food Limited

Suntory’s Aim for Health Management

In 2014, the Suntory Group, which includes Suntory Beverage & Food, issued the Health Promotion Declaration. Later in 2016, after management appointed a Global Chief Health Officer, the new Health Management Declaration was set forth.

Health Management Declaration (Established in 2016)

Based on the idea that the health of our employees and their families is the source of Suntory’s challenge and innovation, we aim to have all employees work in a healthy and motivated state, both physically and mentally.

Basic Policy

  • We will promote the creation of a foundation for employee health by improving the workplace environment and through work style reform.
  • We will work to improve health literacy by providing health information and individual support to employees.
  • We will work to improve lifestyle habits and promote physical health through prevention, early detection, and support for balancing work and family life.
  • We will provide support so that each employee can understand about mental health and take appropriate care.
  • Through these efforts, we aim to help our employees and their families realize enriched, fulfilling lives.

Significance of Health Management

Working to maintain and improve the health of employees and their families will lead to more time for both personal and professional enrichment.
As a result, business performance improves, allowing for further investment in human resources and in resolving social issues, such as environmental investment. By promoting health management, we will realize our aspiration of Growing for Good.

Implementation Structure

Policy for Establishing Internal Environments

Based on the belief that the health of employees and their families is the source of workplace energy and innovation, the Suntory Group, which includes Suntory Beverage & Food, aims to maintain good working conditions for all of employees — conditions that promote positive motivation at work and excellent mental and physical health. In 2016, the Group set forth a Health Management Declaration and, led by the Global Chief Health Officer, it has established a system to support the health of all employees. The Group is actively developing health literacy education to foster health awareness, with specific items for employees to work on themselves.

Health Promotion System

The Suntory Group holds a health-related conference twice a year, which is attended by the Global Chief Health Officer, persons in charge of human resources, chief occupational physicians, nursing staff, and representatives from the Health Management Department. These conferences are held to confirm corporate policy and employee health status and to discuss future health measures and other topics, as well as for various bodies to discuss health-related initiatives.

Health Consultation Support System

The Suntory Group, including Suntory Beverage & Food, has introduced a nurse-in-charge system, where nurses are assigned to all business locations to ensure that support is provided to every employee of the Group. The nurse in charge acts as a contact point for employee consultations, while industrial physicians, psychiatrists, clinical psychotherapists, and others work together to provide consultation services and support to allow employees to work while maintaining good health.
In addition to in-house occupational health staff, the Group has also set up external consultation services such as the E-Partner Consultation Service, which provides consultation on private family issues, and First Call, an online service that provides medical consultations 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Internal Consultation Services With Nurse Provides support as a person deeply familiar with each employee through daily contact, including health interviews.
With Occupational Physician With the supervising occupational physician taking a central role, occupational physicians provide post-treatment measures for regular health checkups, guidance for various interviews, and support for balancing treatment and work.
With Psychiatrist Psychiatrists who are familiar with mental health issues in the workplace work together with occupational physicians and nurses to support employees.
With Clinical Psychotherapist Counseling based on psychological knowledge is provided to care for employees who are troubled to help them resolve their problems.
External Consultation Services EAP*1 An external consultation service that allows employees to consult with an external counselor about a variety of issues, including personal and family problems.
Online chat-based consultation service An online service that allows employees to consult with a doctor via chat or video phone 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  • *1
    EAP (Employees Assistance Program): An employee support program provided by businesses outside the company. In response to consultations from companies, the program provides stress diagnosis, counseling (telephone counseling, e-mail counseling, and face-to-face counseling), medical recommendations, mental health education and training, consultation for human resources and managers, and programs to support an employee’s return to work.

Our Initiatives

Work Environment Creation/Health Literacy Training

We are working on health literacy education to foster health awareness among the younger generation and those who are not currently experiencing any health issues. In the monthly Healthma newsletter distributed by our nursing staff, we try to make people feel closer to health by introducing health information and measures. We also strive to provide opportunities for health seminars for the entire company, as well as seminars for each office in line with the issues they face.
We promote health management while firmly connecting that management to work style innovation.

Physical Health - Efforts for improving daily habits

Since daily lifestyle habits such as eating habits, exercise, sleep, alcohol consumption, and smoking are deeply related to the onset and progression of diseases, various measures are implemented to improve and maintain lifestyle habits. In addition to  specific health guidance, we also provide guidance comparable to specific health guidance to those under 40 years old who are subject to the same criteria, and are making efforts to raise awareness among the younger generation. At the same time, we are actively recommending that they undergo re-examinations and precision examinations, and are also working to support early detection and balance health and wellness.

Mental Health - Initiatives for Mental Health

We have created two mental health management initiatives for the prevention and early detection of mental health problems: our self-care initiatives which aim to make employees aware of stress and take appropriate measures to counter it, and our line-care initiatives in which managers strive to improve the working environment and provide individual counseling. We are properly engaged in various health care efforts that include self-care in group training, courses in employee care overseen by a line manager, introduction of complete stress checks and counseling through clinical psychologist. We have also put in place a return to work support system for employees on leave to smoothly return to work.

Responding to Global Health Issues

For Group companies in regions with high incidence of malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, and other infectious diseases, we distribute handbooks and other materials to raise awareness of these diseases and provide opportunities for health consultations with industrial physicians to prevent infection among employees stationed in or visiting on business such places.