Joint Research with National Institute for Basic Biology and Kagoshima University
- A new Regain containing 2,000 mg of Arginine -
- Regain Energy Drink also to be revamped -
Presentation at the 25th International Conference on Coffee Science
Outlook Points to Hop Quality Assessments and Explanation of Beer Flavor's Formation
- Recruiting for 2015 Scholarship Begins Shortly -
Annual sales target upgraded from 8 million of initial plan to 10 million cases
New PET beverage bottle preform production line and bottle-shaped canned coffee production equipment integration to begin in spring 2015
Suntory Liquors Limited Wins Fourth "Distiller of the Year" Award at the same time
Increased popularity of sparkling water and flavored water expands consumer views on drinking water
Hibiki, Yamazaki, Hakushu, Jim Beam, Knob Creek, Canadian Club and Bowmore Expressions Earn Top Honors at Prestigious International Tasting Competition
Recognition rate for "Foods for Specified Health Use"
(FOSHU foods/beverages) was at least 90%
About 30% of respondents indicated they intend to drink
more FOSHU beverages in the future
Drinkers of FOSHU beverages have higher health consciousness and think about diet and exercise
- Announcement made during the 21st European Congress on Obesity -
- License agreement with Daiichi Sankyo Healthcare -
- Developed based on Regain, a best-selling product for over 25 years -
- New 3 million case annual sales target 1.5 times more than before -
Favorable sales break 5 mil cases in first 6 months.
Over 3 million cases sold since redesign 1½ months ago
53rd Japan Packaging Competition (JPC)
Hakushu Distillery Sees Expanding Whisky Market
PLUS - Partial introduction of environmentally friendly water-based flexo printing -
SBF to Lead the Industry, Install Ultra Energy Saving*1 Vending Machines from April
Concurrent Establishment of Target toward 2020