The quest for freshly brewed color, taste and aroma

The secret of Iyemon’s great taste

Aiming for a freshly brewed taste

We want to create a beverage that reflects the essence of green tea and bring the true taste of green tea to our customers. With this in mind, we started from scratch to rethink the traditional way of producing green tea drinks.
We used a large amount of high quality first picking of tea leaves carefully selected by the tea masters of the long-established tea shop "Fukujuen" in Kyoto, and by using roasting and brewing techniques that bring out the best of the tea, we were able to achieve both “rich aroma and taste of freshly brewed tea” and "mild astringency".

SBF’s unique technology to bring out a bright green colour

In addition to the taste and flavour, we have also focused on the colour of the water. The water colour of green tea tends to brown over time.
For this reason, conventional green tea drinks in PET bottles have a green label covering the entire bottle.
After extensive research, Suntory Beverage & Food developed a unique technology in 2020 that uses yeast-derived ingredients to achieve a "vivid green water colour" that looks like freshly brewed tea.
We will continue to create green tea beverage that looks and tastes the best. This is the secret behind the taste of Iyemon.

  • ~2019

  • 2020〜

  • Freshly brewed green tea