Suntory Beverage & Food Limited (SBF) is pleased to announce that sales of Suntory Minami Alps Tennensui & Yogurina*1, released on April 14, 2015, have been strong and that product sales exceeded 10 million cases sold during the approximate nine months (April 14, 2015 through March 9, 2016)*2 since its release. This represents the fastest pace ever*3 for the flavored water market.
*1: Name changed to Suntory Yogurina & Minami Alps Tennensui on April 19 (Tues.).
*2: Excludes two-month shipping stoppage: April 17 through late June
*3: SBF research
Suntory Minami Alps Tennensui & Yogurina has gained popularity among consumers as a drink that is transparent yet has a strong yogurt flavor. Sales in the second year since product release remain incredible strong. To introduce the product to an even greater audience, we plan to conduct a "Yogurina Japan Tour '16" to provide sampling opportunities around the country as part of a diverse marketing campaign.
▼Suntory Tennensui website (Japanese only)