News Release

  • No.SBF0394(2016/3/15)


- The Greatest Fresh Latte in the History of BOSS Canned Coffee that Achieves the True Fresh Taste of Milk -

Suntory Beverage & Food Limited (SBF) announces the nationwide launch of a new lineup in the BOSS brand, PREMIUM BOSS - The Latte, which will be available from March 1, 2016 (Tuesday) in Japan.

Since first rolled out in 1992, BOSS has been a long-selling favorite that many consumers recognize as the “coffee of the working people.” By continuously enhancing our lineup with products that fulfill the diverse needs of our customers and through captivating TV commercials and consumer campaigns, BOSS has become a brand that is loved by our customers and that continues to achieve growth.

PREMIUM BOSS, a new lineup in the BOSS brand that was launched in 2014, has been praised as the canned coffee representing the richest flavor in the history of the BOSS brand. Last year, we released PREMIUM BOSS Black and PREMIUM BOSS Bito on the surging bottle-shaped canned coffee market as well as continue to respond to the diverse preferences of our customers and evolve the PREMIUM BOSS series.

Our most recent addition to the PREMIUM BOSS lineup is PREMIUM BOSS - The Latte, a canned coffee that achieves the freshest flavor ever in the history of the BOSS brand. This new product represents our continuing innovation in the PREMIUM BOSS lineup. This also represents our creation of a new "Fresh Latte" subcategory as part of our proposal of new value to our customers.

Characteristics of the product’s flavor
To offer a coffee that allows customers to enjoy the true flavor of milk, we use approximately four times the volume of milk used in BOSS Cafe Au Lait and employed a new manufacturing process we call the "PREMIUM BOSS Fresh Method," a manufacturing that reduces heat-related deterioration by half to achieve a fresh flavor. We also blended finely ground coffee, the signature feature of the PREMIUM BOSS series, to provide the rich flavor of milk combined with a bold coffee flavor.

Package characteristics
We used a container featuring the distinctive 24-edge cut representative of the PREMIUM BOSS series combined with a white and gold design that exudes the feel of superior quality and luxury.

Through product innovation and our focus on quality, the PREMIUM BOSS series has contributed greatly to invigorating the canned coffee market. With the release of PREMIUM BOSS - The Latte, we will further strengthen the position of the series on the canned coffee market.


-   Memo   -

●About the release of PREMIUM BOSS - The Latte
▼Product name, volume, MSRP (tax not included), and packaging
 185g can    122 yen    30 cans

▼Release date    March 1, 2016 (Tuesday)

▼Region    Nationwide

PREMIUM BOSS website (Japanese only)

BOSS website (Japanese only)


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