News Release

  • (2018/7/20)
  • Suntory Beverage & Food Limited

Notification Regarding Third and Fourth Issue of Unsecured Corporate Bonds (with Special Provision for Equivalent Collateral if Collateral Put Up for Other Debt)

We are providing notification on the issue of unsecured straight corporate bonds as described below.



Third Bond IssueFourth Bond Issue
1.Total debt 15 billion yen in cash 15 billion yen in cash
2.Amount of each bond 100 million yen in cash
3.Book-entry corporate bonds The company's bonds are corporate bonds to which legal provisions concerning the transfer of securities and the like apply, and they are handled according to business regulations on other such rules on the transfer business of transferring institutions.
4.Interest rate 0.001% annually 0.070% annually
5.Payment amount 100 yen cash for every 100.002 yen of value per corporate bond 100 yen cash for every 100 yen of value per corporate bond
6.Redemption value 100 yen cash for every 100 yen of value per corporate bond
7.Time of maturity July 26, 2021 (3-year bonds) July 26, 2023 (5-year bonds)
8.Interest payment date 26th of January and July
(First interest payment date is January 26, 2019)
9.Application period July 20, 2018
10.Payment date July 26, 2018
11.Application method General application
12.Collateral No collateral or guarantee is attached to the company's corporate bonds, and there are no particular assets withheld for the purpose of the company's corporate bonds.
13.Underwriters ・Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.
・Nomura Securities Co., Ltd.
・SMBC Nikko Securities Inc.
・Daiwa Securities Co., Ltd.
・Nomura Securities Co., Ltd.
・Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.
・Daiwa Securities Co., Ltd.
・SMBC Nikko Securities Inc.
14.Fiscal agent, issuing agent and payment agent Mizuho Bank, Ltd.
15.Transfer institution Japan Securities Depository Center, Inc.
16.Acquired rating AA-: Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd.

This document is not in any way considered part of any act to solicit investment for securities. The purpose of this document is only to publicly announce the third and fourth issue of unsecured corporate bonds (both with a special provision for equivalent collateral if collateral is put up for other debt) and this document was not created with the purpose of soliciting investment from either within Japan or abroad or for the purpose of any other similar such act.

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