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No.she036March 23, 2023

Elias String Quartet, celebrated UK ensemble,
performs Beethoven's String Quartet Cycle at
Suntory Hall's Chamber Music Garden 2023
June 3-14 2023

Suntory Hall presents “Elias String Quartet – Beethoven Cycle I-VI” as part of its annual early summer festival, Chamber Music Garden (June 3-18). The celebrated UK quartet will perform the complete cycle of Beethoven's string quartets over six days (June 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 14) in the intimate space of the hall's Blue Rose (Small Hall).
The performance of Beethoven's String Quartet Cycle is now an established feature of the Chamber Music Garden festival, and it is considered a unique event even internationally. Every year, a different quartet is invited to take on the cycle, and this year it is the turn of the Elias String Quartet (Sara Bitlloch, Donald Grant, Simone van der Giessen, Marie Bitlloch). They are the first group from the UK to undertake this monumental journey.

The quartet was founded in 1998, and 2023 marks the 25th anniversary of the debut. The Elias String Quartet has performed at prestigious concert halls including the Carnegie Hall, Musikverein in Vienna, Konzerthaus in Berlin, London's Wigmore Hall, and the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam. They embarked on their first Beethoven cycle in 2011-2015 at venues across the UK with an award from the Borletti-Buitoni Trust, which was documented in a dedicated website, the Beethoven Project. They have performed the cycle over ten times, most recently in Houston. Their recording of the cycle from the Wigmore Hall label has also been highly acclaimed.

The 16 string quartets have been programmed over the six concerts in a balanced way, each concert featuring quartets from Beethoven's early, middle, and late periods. A unique feature of their cycle is that they will perform the Quartet No. 13, Op. 130 twice with different endings: once with the original “Grosse Fuge” movement (June 14), and once with the revised Allegro movement (June 5), giving the audience a different perspective of this sublime work.

Details of Elias String Quartet's Beethoven String Quartet cycle can be found at the following:

For further information and press photos, please contact:
Public Relations, Suntory Hall
