
Jul. 16, 2020

Accelerating Our Efforts to Create a More Sustainable Society

As a global leader in the alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages industries, we recognize the role we must play in protecting water and the environment – precious resources that are fundamental to our business. We’ve committed ourselves to continuous efforts to tackle environmental sustainability challenges around the world, today and in the years to come.

Watch: Tak Niinami, Chief Executive Officer of Suntory Holdings, discusses Suntory’s various efforts toward a more sustainable society.

By establishing the “Basic Principles of Suntory Group's Environmental Policy” in 1997, and the “Environmental Targets toward 2030” and “Suntory Environmental Vision toward 2050” in 2014, we have been accelerating our efforts to promote sustainable management in support of prioritized initiatives.

At the end of last month, we’ve raised the ambition of our Environmental Vision toward 2050, aiming to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions across our entire value chain by 2050. Under this revised vision, we intend to maintain our current energy conservation initiatives, while proactively implementing renewable energy solutions, utilizing next-generation infrastructure options and collaborating with supply chain stakeholders to build a carbon-free society.

Collaboration is a key element in our efforts to aim for a more sustainable society. We recognize that sustainability management must include reducing our environmental impact throughout the entire value chain, and acknowledge that addressing the urgent, global plastics issue cannot be done alone.

So last month, we launched the establishment of R Plus Japan Ltd., a new joint venture company that will invest in the development of cutting-edge recycling technology for used plastics. R Plus Japan was formed in partnership with 11 other cross-industry partners within the plastics supply chain to find effective solutions to tackle plastics waste issues. Our long-standing partnership with Anellotech, a US-based sustainable technology company, enabled the joint development of key components needed to make 100% plant-based PET bottles. As the scientific foundation for the R Plus Japan initiative in plastics chemical recycling, Anellotech is leveraging and adapting its process technology to convert mixed plastic waste into basic chemicals to make new plastics.

With the engagement of various industries throughout the supply chain, from raw materials manufacturers, and packaging suppliers to beverages companies, the newly established R Plus Japan, together with Anellotech, will advance the development and commercialization of this eco-efficient plastic recycling technology by 2027.

We know that our efforts will be stronger when we work together. As we continue to promote sustainable management through various initiatives, we look forward to ultimately achieving a more sustainable society, always coexisting with nature.