
Sep. 25, 2019

Suntory Tops Nikkei BP "Eco-Brand Survey 2019"

On July 8, Nikkei Business Publications, Inc. (Tokyo) announced the results of the "Eco-Brand Survey 2019," a survey that investigates how the environmental efforts of companies are perceived by consumers. Suntory ranked #1 for the 8th time.

Among the indexes comprise the Eco-Brand Index, Suntory came out on top in the categories of "making efforts on reducing usage of resources," "making efforts on recycling," "making efforts on conserving natural environment," "making efforts to reduce emission impact on air, water and soil," and "making efforts to preserve biodiversity and plant/animal resources." This year, we saw many of the respondents touching about topics regarding with recycling in the comment section. Suntory have formulated its new Plastic Policy in May, and we will continue actively move forward to contribute in creating a recycling-oriented and decarbonized society.

Moreover, Suntory places water at the core of its business and considers preserving the natural environment that nurtures water to be the key of its sustainable business. To embody our philosophy, we conduct various environmental initiatives such as “Natural Water Sanctuaries,” “Suntory Mizuiku-Education Program for Nature and Water,” “Bird Conservation Activities,” and more. Furthermore, Suntory strives to reduce the environmental impact of the entire value chain of its business. The Suntory Group engages with the local community and will keep its commitment to protecting the natural environment across the world, dedicated to passing down a sustainable future to the generations to come.

2019 Eco-Brand Index: Top 20

Nikkei BP Consulting, Inc.
* Internet-based questionnaire has been conducted through March 14–April 21, 2019
* No. of Valid Responses: 21,000
* No. of Companies Targeted: 560
*The Eco-Brand Index is derived from the total of four indexes which impact the brand building: contact to environmental information, environmental communication, environmental image, and environmental evaluation. The scores express the deviation value (average=50).

Related Links
・Suntory Natural Water Sanctuary Activities
  CSR website:
・Suntory Mizuiku - Education Program for Nature and Water
  CSR website:
・Bird Conservation Activity
  CSR website: