
Jan. 19, 2018

Suntory donated $200,000 to environmental charities as part of first global employee health and wellness initiative

- Employees competed in teams for the highest average number of steps in a month and donated to water and nature related charities -


The Suntory Group held “One Suntory Walk” from October 1 to 31, 2017 for all its employees across the globe. The event was joined by 7,470 people from over 30 countries. The participants walked a total of 1,162,515,129 steps, which is equivalent to about 22 laps around the earth on foot.

Suntory promotes health management with the view that the source of its competitiveness as a company lies in its employees’ health and well-being. Based on Suntory Group’s corporate mission of “To Create Harmony with People and Nature,” the company selected three charities focused on water and nature conservation. for this program. Participants selected the charity they would like to support, and the donation amount to each of the three charities was decided based on the average number of steps the employees who chose them walked.

* The total donation amount was $200,000 (about ¥22 million).
 $1 = ¥110

▼Charitable Organizations: Three charities related to water and nature
(1) charity: water (US)
Overview: A non-profit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing countries
Area of operation: Africa, Asia, Central and South America

(2) The Nature Conservancy (US)
Overview: A global non-profit organization dedicated to conserving the lands and waters on which all life depends
Area of operation: North America, Central and South America, Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia

(3) Organizations Managing National Parks
Overview: Organizations which, based on the law, manage national parks specified by the Minister of the Environment as natural environments representative of Japan
Area of operation: National parks in Japan

After the one-month friendly competition, which ended in a photo finish, the charities selected by the top three teams were respectively awarded $80,000, $70,000 and $50,000.

Suntory Group has been promoting health management since 2016 and wants to accelerate it globally. With the huge success of this program, which saw a large participation from all employees of the Suntory Group, the company now plans to hold an another event in 2018.