
Protecting the Future of Water and Life - Suntory's Natural Water Sanctuary Activities

Japan is blessed with bountiful forests that nurture pristine groundwater.

True to our commitment to protecting precious resources, Suntory has pledged to preserve and nurture the forests that create the quality groundwater used in our products.

Plan underway to double Natural Water Sanctuaries

Suntory signed long-term agreements running over decades with forest owners and has been developing forests that nurture groundwater since 2003. The sum of our efforts – spanning nearly 9,000 hectares in Japan – is sufficient to cultivate the water necessary not only to supply our plants, but also to nurture their surrounding communities for years to come. By 2020, we aim to generate double the amount of water necessary for our plants through the continued expansion of our natural water sanctuaries.

Sustainable conservation activities based on scientific approaches are needed to maintain the health of the Natural Water Sanctuaries. Activities to promote the future of the Natural Water Sanctuaries throughout Japan are underway as we plan 50 years and 100 years ahead.

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Environmental Sustainability
Natural Water Sanctuary Activities