Our activities
Forest hydrology
The goal of Suntory’s Natural Water Sanctuary Project is to protect several of Japan’s forests so that they are able to recharge a greater volume of groundwater than we use in our manufacturing plants. At this time, we are still working to scientifically determine which management techniques most effectively keep forests healthy and steadily recharging groundwater.
The Institute for Water Science has engaged a diverse team of scientists specializing in water, soil, vegetation, and other related fields to carry out repeated scientific trials in various forests environments and conditions. Our aim is to develop and then scientifically validate the forest management methods that will best meet our project goal.
Sustainable groundwater use
We must have a detailed understanding of natural water cycles in each area if we want to use groundwater in sustainable and environmentally friendly ways. The Institute for Water Science carries out on-site investigations in collaboration with third-party organizations to assess water quality and quantity of natural spring and surface water and conduct monitoring operations in order to develop a detailed understanding of groundwater conditions. Their findings are used to protect the safety and integrity of our precious natural water sources so that we can offer their delicious benefits to our customers for generations to come.
Global water resources
Communities around the world suffer from water scarcity, unsafe drinking water, and a host of other water-related challenges. Climate change can be a threat to agricultural production and growing regions, which in turn has a impact on people’s lives and livelihoods. Suntory owes so much to water and has become deeply involved in global water issues as part of its commitment to "In Harmony with People and Nature." The Institute for Water Science is currently working closely with the University of Tokyo Water Forum and other organizations to analyze related trends, evaluate water resources, and share our findings with the broader public.
Workshop on "Sustainable Water Use," co-sponsored by Japanese JST and Canadian NSERC (October 2013)
Revealing the difference in every drop.
Study of preference of water
Studying preferences for a substance commonly thought to be odorless and tasteless is quite a challenge. However, it is thought that people can find water delicious depending on the flavor profile created by the relative proportion of certain trace elements. As the market for mineral water continues to grow, the Institute for Water Science is looking into the phenomenon of water taste as well as the factors that affect our preferences and perceptions.
Basic water chemistry
Water contains minerals, organic substances, and other dissolved compounds. The Institute for Water Science uses sophisticated measurement techniques to detect and analyze these trace elements with the aim of discovering how they affect the characteristics of different types of water.
We put our findings to work in a variety of fields, from water quality studies in Natural Water Sanctuaries to detailed analyses of groundwater flow. We are also developing cutting-edge analytical techniques that allow us to examine water characteristics with even more accuracy and precision.
Study of water in body
Approximately 60% of the human body is made up with water. The water plays a vital role for maintaining life – distributing nutrients, eliminating waste products, providing places for digestion and metabolism, and regulating body temperature through perspiration –. Therefore, it is considered that water balance and circulation in body are closely related to human health.
The Institute for Water Science carries out research for revealing the relationship between the internal water cycle and human health and proceeds with a joint research project, "Water Channeling Life", collaborating with Keio University School of Medicine.