

  • CSR
Suntory Holdings Ltd., Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd.

Suntory Holdings Named on CDP A List for Water Security

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Tokyo, Japan (February 6, 2025) — Suntory Holdings today announced that it has been recognized for leadership in corporate sustainability by global environmental non-profit CDP, securing a place on its prestigious ‘2024 A List’ for water security. This is the ninth consecutive year for Suntory Group to be listed in the Water Security A list.

CDP’s annual environmental disclosure and scoring process is widely recognized as the global standard of corporate environmental transparency. More than 24,800 companies responded to CDP’s request to disclose data on environmental impacts, risks and opportunities through its platform.

As a corporation sustained by the gifts of nature and water, and with a purpose to inspire the brilliance of life, by creating rich experiences for people, in harmony with nature, Suntory Group has been committed to achieving a sustainable society since its founding. As stated in the company’s Environmental Vision toward 2050, Suntory Group aims to reduce the water intensity of production at its owned plants*1 by 50%*2 globally, and replenish more than 100% of water used at all of its owned plants globally through conservation of the surrounding ecosystem. To achieve this, the Group has set four main pillars of action (reduction of water used in direct operation, water replenishment, sustainable water uses in raw ingredients, water education and access to safe water) in the Environmental Targets toward 2030, advancing various initiatives globally.

Water being the core of its business, Suntory Group will continue to promote water sustainability not only by using water preciously and replenishing clean water back to nature, but also by contributing to the healthy natural cycle of water by managing and conserving the forests that cultivate water.

Learn more about Suntory Group’s Sustainability Vision here and about its work on water sustainability actions here.

*1 Directly owned manufacturing sites and R&D facilities for alcohol and non-alcohol beverage business

*2 Reduction of water intensity of production versus 2015 baseline

About Suntory Group
As a global leader in the beverage industry, Suntory Group aims to inspire the brilliance of life, by creating rich experiences for people, in harmony with nature. Sustained by the gifts of nature and water, the Group offers a uniquely diverse portfolio of products, from award-winning Japanese whiskies Yamazaki and Hibiki, iconic American whiskies Jim Beam and Maker's Mark, canned ready-to-drink -196, The Premium Malt’s beer, Japanese wine Tomi, and the world-famous Château Lagrange. Its brand collection also includes non-alcoholic favorites Orangina, Lucozade, Oasis, BOSS coffee, Suntory Tennensui water, TEA+ Oolong Tea, and V energy drink, as well as popular health and wellness product Sesamin EX. 

Founded as a family-owned business in 1899 in Osaka, Japan, Suntory Group has grown into a global company operating throughout the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania, with an annual revenue (excluding excise taxes) of $20.9 billion in 2023. Its 41,511 employees worldwide draw upon the unique blend of Japanese artisanship and global tastes to explore new product categories and markets.

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