

  • CSR

Suntory Holdings Named on CDP A List for Both Climate Change and Water Security

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Tokyo, Japan (February 6, 2024) — Suntory Holdings today announced that it has been recognized for leadership in corporate sustainability by global environmental non-profit CDP, securing a place on its prestigious ‘2023 A List’ for both tackling climate change and water security. This is the fifth consecutive year to be listed in the Climate Change A list for the Suntory Group, as well as the eighth consecutive year to receive a position in the Water Security A list.

The group believes it’s wholistic sustainability management including the below listed initiatives have contributed to the listing.
— Group’s 2030 Greenhouse Gas emissions reduction targets being approved by the Science Based Targets initiative and the progress towards achieving the goal
— Completed transitioning to purchasing 100% renewable energy for all of its owned manufacturing sites*1 in Japan, the Americas and Europe
— Collecting supplier emission data and sharing best practices for GHG reductions under Scope 3
— Working with suppliers to develop containers and packaging that contribute to GHG reduction
— Quantitatively disclosed the impact of risks and opportunities due to climate change on business, which were assessed and identified based on TCFD recommendations, using scenario analysis techniques. (
— The Suntory Kyushu Kumamoto Plant received Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) “Platinum” Certification
— Promotes risk assessment, management, and initiatives related to water to its own factories

*1 Directly owned manufacturing sites and R&D facilities for alcohol and non-alcohol beverage business

CDP’s annual environmental disclosure and scoring process is widely recognized as the global standard of corporate environmental transparency. In 2023, over 740 financial institutions with over US$136 trillion in assets requested companies to disclose data on environmental impacts, risks and opportunities through CDP’s platform. A record-breaking 23,000 companies responded. 

In order to meet its 2050 targets to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across the entire value chain, the Suntory Group has set a goal to halve GHG emission in its direct operations*2 and reduce by 30% across the entire value chain*2 by 2030, by utilizing technology such as renewable energy and green hydrogen.
For water, the most important resource in our business activities, the group aims to pursue the sustainability of water and become water net positive in its direct operations by 2050. The group announced in January 2022 that they will be accelerating their 2030 water targets, and aims to achieve their 2050 goals by efforts such as replenishing more than 100% of water used in at least 50% of its owned plants globally, including all those in highly water stressed areas.
In addition to the above efforts, the group is also taking concerted group-wide actions to promote a circular economy, and conserve and regenerate biodiversity.

As a corporation sustained by the gifts of nature and water, the group will continue to promote sustainability management in order to preserve biodiversity and to realize a sustainable society. Through all of its corporate pursuits, Suntory Group seeks to inspire the brilliance of life.

*2 Total reduction versus 2019 baseline

About Suntory Group
As a global leader in the beverage industry, Suntory Group offers a uniquely diverse portfolio of products, from premium spirits, beer, wine, ready-to-drink alcohol beverages, to brewed teas, bottled water, still and carbonated soft drinks, ready-to-drink coffee and energy drinks, along with health and wellness products. Suntory is home to award-winning Japanese whiskies Yamazaki, Hibiki and Hakushu, as well as iconic American spirits Jim Beam and Maker's Mark. Suntory also fascinates the taste buds with The Premium Malt's beer, and owns the exceptional Japanese wine, Tomi, and the world-famous Château Lagrange. Its brand collection includes Sauza Tequila, non-alcoholic favorites Orangina, Lucozade, Ribena, BOSS coffee, Iyemon green tea, Suntory Tennensui water, TEA+ Oolong Tea, V and BRAND’S, as well as popular health and wellness product Sesamin EX.

Founded as a family-owned business in 1899 in Osaka, Japan, Suntory Group has grown into a global company operating throughout the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania, with an annual revenue (excluding excise taxes) of $20.2 billion in 2022. Its 40,885 employees worldwide draw upon the unique blend of Japanese artisanship and global tastes to explore new product categories and markets.

As a corporation sustained by the gifts of nature and water, Suntory Group will always protect the ecosystems that deliver water. Because its ecosystem is the wellspring, not only of its business and the rich experiences the group creates for people's lives, but also of human life itself. Suntory Group will continue to be a company where everyone is empowered with the freedom and flexibility to innovate. Through all of its corporate pursuits, Suntory seeks to inspire the brilliance of life.

Learn more about Suntory Group, its brands, and its commitment to social responsibility and sustainability at, on Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube.