News Release

  • (2017/5/30)

Formulation of Suntory Group’s Sustainable Water Philosophy

― The basic philosophy for all ‘water’ activities by domestic and overseas group companies ―

As Suntory Holdings Limited expands its business activities worldwide, it also seeks to promote environmental management further across the globe. To this end, it has formulated Suntory Group’s Sustainable Water Philosophy as a basic philosophy for all its water related activities.

The company’s environmental management is driven by its corporate mission of “To create Harmony with People and Nature” and corporate tagline of “Follow Your Nature.” It undertakes various activities in Japan, such as forest preservation in “Natural Water Sanctuaries”, reduction in the weight of containers and packaging, and Suntory Mizuiku – education program for nature and water. The company is also engaged in environmental management abroad addressing local issues.

Suntory Group believes that activities contributing toward preservation of water, the most important resource for the company’s business, must cater to the individual environment of each region, based on a common way of thinking for the over 300 group companies in Japan and abroad. Moving forward, all companies in the group will work together for environmental management, striving to resolve water related social issues across the world and problems in each country, under Sustainable Water Philosophy.

● Suntory Group’s Sustainable Water Philosophy
Water is the most important ingredient of our products, as well as a precious shared resource. In order to achieve “water sustainability”, the first pillar of Suntory Group’s Environmental Policy, we want to share the following values with all Suntory Group members and apply them where we operate in order to fulfill our stakeholders’ expectations.
1. Understanding the natural cycle of water
Investigating watersheds around our sites to understand the local hydrological cycle, using a scientific approach.
2. Promoting environmentally conscious water use
Reducing the environmental impacts of water use on the natural water cycle by implementing 3R activities (Reduce/Reuse/Recycle) and returning water to nature after adequate treatment.
3. Conserving watershed
Conserving our watersheds and endeavoring to improve local water quality and quantity in cooperation with stakeholders for a sustainable future.
4. Engaging with local community
Supporting our community by fostering collective actions to solve water issues and enriching society.

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