News Release

  • No.12779(2016/10/31)

Assistance Provided by the Suntory Group for the Recovery from the Kumamoto Earthquakes
Commencement of the Suntory “Land of Water” Kumamoto Support Project

A decision has been made on additional contributions totaling 300 million yen to be provided as assistance for the recovery of the areas affected by the disaster

Suntory Holdings Limited has decided on providing additional contributions totaling 300 million yen for the assistance for recovery from the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes and will be commencing the Suntory “Land of Water” Kumamoto Support Project. This project is an initiative entailing recovery support activities conducted as the Suntory Group.

Up to present, the Suntory Group has undertaken the task of providing assistance activities directed at the recovery and revival of Kumamoto Prefecture. Efforts include the delivery of approximately 210,000 bottles of Suntory Tennensui mineral water right after the occurrence of the Kumamoto Earthquakes in April, as well as the contribution of relief money in the amount of 100 million yen in May.

This project will be carried out on a continual basis with a focus on activities entailing contributions to the sustainability of groundwater in the Kumamoto Region, as well as support activities for the bodies and minds of residents through culture, the arts and sports. These efforts stem from our desire to contribute to the recovery of Kumamoto Prefecture, where the Suntory Kyushu Kumamoto Plant is located.

● Main activities
(1) Activities entailing contributions to the sustainability of groundwater in the Kumamoto Region (Around 150 million yen)
In our effort to contribute to the sustainability of groundwater (the base upon which the promotion of industry and tourism in Kumamoto Prefecture takes place and simultaneously constitutes a precious resource which props up the lives of prefecture residents), we are commencing the activity together with the Kumamoto Groundwater Foundation*1. We will be undertaking the task of the restoration of “fuyumizutanbo*2”, which are inundated agricultural fields used in water resource cultivation, in addition to going about expanding upon countermeasures for water resource cultivation. Moreover, our plan is to provide support for surveys and research on groundwater flow mechanisms conducted by Kumamoto University and utilize those results in this activity.

*1: This foundation was established in 2012 for the purpose of having residents, businesses, government and so on in the prefecture come together as one to save the clear and rich groundwater of Kumamoto Prefecture for future generations.

*2: Fuyumizutanbo is a traditional agricultural method which entails the spreading out of water over rice paddies during the winter when they fallow, with the goal being the formation of fertile soil and the reduction of weeds. Efficient groundwater cultivation is expected as the result of water penetration into the ground. At the Suntory Group, we have been conducting fuyumizutanbo activities in cooperation with the government and region in the town of Mashiki in Kamimashiki District, Kumamoto since 2010, in an effort to bring about more broad-ranging functionality of groundwater cultivation.


(2) Support activities for the bodies and minds of residents through culture, the arts and sports (Around 150 million yen)
Stemming from our desire to provide assistance for the bodies and minds of those affected by the disaster, and above all, children and people who have been left with no choice but to live in evacuation centers/temporary housing, we will be conducting activities through culture, the arts and sports. We plan to proactively roll out activities in partner with the region, such as concerts and music lessons held in cooperation with the Suntory Foundation for Arts, as well as the holding of sports lessons conducted by the Suntory volley ball and rugby clubs.

Moreover, we will also consider promotional activities to be conducted through Suntory products, as well as assistance which utilizes charity money raised at events we host in the future.

● About the project name, message and logo
The name of the project, the Suntory “Land of Water” Kumamoto Support Project, was born out of the desire of the Suntory Group to help in the recovery of Kumamoto.
Our message is: Forever Together, You and Kumamoto. This message encompasses our desire to be there right alongside Kumamoto (where we have a production plant) as it journeys into the future.
The two drops contained in the logo constitute a motif entailing two shapes, which are images of “forest and water” and “residents of the region and Suntory”. This logo expresses our feelings of gratitude toward the rich natural surroundings found in the prefecture, its bountiful water, and the everyday help of residents.

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