7 Jan. 2015
I see as a picture in my head, then trust my ability and experience
It has been a really fast 4 years since the world cup winning halfback joined Suntory. He left a huge impact not just for Suntory club but for Japanese rugby scene. He says his "Rugby career is not too long left" and now we speak to him about his rugby style and his future plans. (Interviewed on 16/12/2014)
◆Chance to win
—— What's your current condition?
I spent about 6 months for rehabilitation from the day I got injured and I'm really trying my best to get back to my best condition. I'm looking forward to play for Suntory again. I might feel little bit slower when I play so I would like the fans to be patient (laugh). I'm hoping to get back as soon as possible in a best condition.
—— Is this your first time that you were out from the team for this long?
This is my second time in my career. I had a shoulder operation in 2010 and I couldn't play for 8 months. This is my second time in my life career so it's not too bad.
—— Are you desperate to get back on playing rugby?
It's a very sad feeling that you won't able to play rugby for such a long time but I'm concentrating on getting back as soon as possible and doing a very hard training at the moment I would like to go back to the team in a best condition and whilst staying in the team, I just want to concentrate on rugby.
—— You have obviously going through many wins and losing games in your career, how disappointing were you when you lose at the final last year?
It was my first time losing in playoffs since I came to Suntory so it was really disappointing. As a team, we have putting a lot of challenges and Panasonic played very good rugby but we had a chance to win that game. Of course you have to win every game but sometime you lose. To win the title this year, we have to keep winning and continue to play good rugby.
—— What are the key points of taking that winning chance during the game?
I think that's different in every game, most importantly we need to play in a good rhythm. Especially in a big game, experienced players should take a lead. The experienced players should never panic and lead the team to move forward. Finally everyone should be calm and play what we are believed in. Trust your system and if you can play what you have been doing, then 95% of the times you can win the game.
—— Have you ever been in a panic situation before?
Luckily I don't get panic that often. Every time I play rugby I tried to keep my composure. When I get back to the team, I might feel little stressed as I haven't play for a while. I think every player is different.
◆Play like the image you have in your mind
—— How do you keep your balance of composure and strong will to win?
I think it is positive if you can think in a clear mind. This is the difficult part.
—— How do you keep your head clear?
I can see a picture in my head how I want to play. I see a picture of how I should work for the team and best for my position. You just trust your ability and experiences at the end.
—— Is the picture you see in your mind, is it like a third person seeing from above?
I can't explain it because it's an image that comes to my head but I try to think how I play my role and reading the flow of the game. I have been playing for about 13 years as professional player and playing for 3 years for Suntory. I can see good images from my previous experiences. Going through my experiences and once you see it, everything is stuck in my mind.
—— I have been talking to other players and everyone says that you "See the whole field" all the time.
I think it's a balance too. I try to see the whole picture of 3-4 phases. So I can clearly see everyone's role.
—— Is that because you are playing a halfback position?
I think naturally seeing it that way. Of course 9, 10, 15 are the positions to control the game so need to see the big picture. For example, hooker, props and lock positions shouldn't always look for the space and they've got their jobs.
—— So playing the rugby in our rhythm is always your focus point as a halfback?
I'm conscious about the linkage between forwards and backs. There is no meaning to pass the ball to the backs if the forwards are not moving forward. So moving the ball forward is important for forwards. Also I'm in the important position of being the linkage and need to think about the balance of forwards and backs.
◆4 options
—— I think halfback has a various options to play but what are you thinking when you passing the ball?
Firstly, the decisions of the right pass. Whether I should pass straight to 10 or should I just run. There are 4 options for me, run, pass to the forwards, pass to the 10 and run little bit and pass. I'm not thinking about the passing skill but more about making the right decisions at the right timing.
—— When do you make that decision? When you pick the ball up?
When I pick the ball up, I'm always doing trainings to make the right decision.
—— Do you care about the opposition player when you pass the ball?
Depends on decision I make. Therefore I need to have a good communication with 10 and the forwards. Sometime I care about my passing style. Sometimes defence are good so I use different option. But if you can keep the ball and move forward and the chance will come.
◆3,4 types of kicks
—— What do you concentrate on when you kick?
There are two things, firstly, kicks from a set piece like lineout. This is reasonably easy to do. Second one is open play kicks. They are two types of kicks, getting out from the pressure or attacking kick.
—— Do you have different style of kicks depending on the situation?
I have 3, 4 types of kicks.
—— What are you conscious about when you are running with the ball?
I only run when I see the space and only run if I think that is the best option.
—— You think you have chosen the right decision during the game but when you see the clips after the game and do you think it was a wrong decision at that time?
You know it straight away whether it was the best option or not during the game. For example if you run and it didn't work, you know it already. (laugh) You know it during the game if it's a good decision or bad decision. I then speak to the coaches after the game to discuss about the decisions I made.
—— Have you ever made only good decisions during the game?
Yes, you want that all the time (laugh). I don't know how much I can do that but try to make all good decisions. Of course I have to make the right decisions but forwards also need to run good line and backs need to have a good communication. That is very important.
◆I try to concentrate on my own preparation in any game I play
—— I think you are standing in good defensive position when you defend but do you think your experience is helping to defend well?
Sometimes (laugh). We have our system when we defending so you've got a do your role and play under the system. You have to make good decisions in defence too.
—— Do you see a picture in your head when you defending?
Maybe a little bit. I don't like to do a tackle (laugh) I have to tackle sometime so I do.
—— I think you do have a good preparation to play better rugby but what do you think the most important thing in 1 week of preparation?
I do same preparation in any game. Usually you tend to focus on an opposition more but I have 1 or 2 important things for them. I put opposition's information in my head somewhere at the side and concentrate on what I do more. If you do this, you can continue to show good performance.
I can't say specifically about the important stuff because it's a tactical stuff but for example, if the opposition winger is always come up then we use kicks to attack or if the defence is coming forward quick then I pass the ball to forwards little bit faster than normal. Every game is different. Suntory style is always staying the same so it is enough for me to have 1 or 2 things in my head. More than 85% of times continue to work on a same thing.
◆Going back to the basic
—— Do you recognize it straight away when the opposition does something totally different to what you've had in your mind?
That's why I have only 1 or 2 information in my head. If you have a lot of information before then you tend to focus on that and if the opposition does something different and it will take some time to get back to your style. Therefore I think having less information can easily adapt when something happens.
—— Do you recognize when your team mates are in different condition?
I know if someone made an easy error. If something like this happen, I get everyone to come together and advice to calm. Also try to play simple style rugby and go back to the basics and start making our rhythm. During the game is same, 1 week of preparation is same, the season is same.
We weren't great as a team this season and when the team is like that, it is best to go back to the basics. Once you get the rhythm, this will lead in to confidence and our performance will get better. I think Suntory is still in a process of this.
◆Support each other
—— You guys show a great performance and won against Toshiba in 3rd game of second stage.
I believe it was a great game for us. I hope we can go to the next step with that momentum. That Toshiba game was one of the best performances but it is important for us to improve more.
—— What are the things that you think it's important to keep the team as one?
I think everyone should be on the same picture and be positive. Also if you see someone playing really bad or not having the chance to play the game, everyone should support that person. I think it is important to support each other to head to a right direction. I try to support the player if someone is struggling for something.
—— Do you have difficulty in communicating with Japanese players?
It was difficult initially. But I have been for a while now so no issues at the moment.
—— Do you think the Japanese culture is fitting you?
I enjoy Japanese life style and majority of other South African players too. When I first came to Japan, there were only 3 South African players at that time but now we have more than 20 people. I think this means South African people are fitting to Japanese culture.
—— Maybe that's because you are telling all the South African players about good things about Japan?
Yes, I think so. I'm telling good things about Japan.
—— This season you guys have Schalk Burger joined Suntory, do you talk to him about rugby?
Yes,I talk to him a lot.
◆Future career
—— What do you see yourself as a future career?
I don't know when but I would like to get involved in South African Rugby as a coaching role. I don't know how or when but I want to do my best. If I could get a coaching role for super rugby teams, like bulls would be good. After that I want to get involved in young players development.
—— I heard from Schalk but your son has a same name "Fourie Du Preez"?
Yes, not everyone in South Africa but we have a culture of having a same name.
—— Do you want your son to play rugby?
I want my son to play what he wants to play.
—— Do you think you might be challenging on something totally different?
I would like to be coach one day but that could be approximately for 3 years. I don't know what I do after that. I might be doing different business.
—— Do you have an interest to do different business other than rugby?
I have family members who are doing different businesses. I didn't have any interest before but after playing professional rugby myself, started to have some interest.
—— How about rugby management side?
Maybe there is a chance. I still want to play as a player so I will leave that till later.
—— Can you see a picture of yourself being a business person?
I don't think I can do 9-5 o'clock jobs but I will find a job for myself. It would be good to work in my pace.
◆I play because I enjoy playing
—— What is rugby mean to you?
I don't think the rugby is everything to me, I play because I enjoy playing. Luckily I have involved in a good teams and able to play for the national side too. To me family is everything. Rugby is a big challenge to achieve same goal with your team mates. You can challenge yourself physically and mentally.
—— Are you targeting the 2015 RWC?
If I can get back to my best condition then I can think about that.
—— What do you think about Suntory's rest of the season?
I think we've show a good performance in Toshiba game so everyone has recognized that we can get two titles. I think finally everyone is heading to the right direction now so it is important for us to move forward. I think we have a big chance if we can continue to show a best performance.
(Interview & constructed by Kazuyoshi Hariya / Edited by Yutaro Igarashi)
[Picture :Aki Nagao]