2 Apr. 2021

『 Want to win our last Top League 』
Tui Hendrick is always moving forward powerfully and scoring many tries this season. We asked him about the secret of his good form and his current rugby goals. (Date of interview: Late March 2021)

◆We recovered well and we were ready for this season
――Aren't you in great shape this season?
The only time I played for 80 minutes was in the 5th game against Toyota, but our coaches are doing great job of controlling my workload and game time, so I have the feeling that my performance is gradually improving.
――You have played in four games out of five and scored four tries. Have you been trying hard for scoring tries?
Yes and no. I believe that a try is the result of the hard work of my teammates done in front of me. Team efforts. However, when I have a chance to score a try, I try to go for it with the best of my ability.
――You have always been powerful, but I feel like you've become even more powerful!
Since we had a long off-season and pre-season, I was able to rest and recover well with parts of my body I was niggling for a long time before starting this season, and I think the results are there.

◆I've started doing ZUU training in earnest
――With games going on every week, are you in good physical condition?
I'm getting older, so I've been working with the S&C staff to adjust my program as needed to keep my condition up, and I've been able to play in great shape. I've been doing a lot of conditioning with my S&C coach, Mr. Wakai, and I've been doing ZUU training, which I think is also contributing to my good results.
――Have you had any experience with ZUU training, which incorporates animal movements before joining Sungoliath?
I knew about ZUU training before I joined Sungoliath, but it was only this season that I started doing it in earnest. I feel that doing additional ZUU training with Mr. Wakai has been a good benefit.
――You mentioned earlier that you are getting older, but are you still in the process of growing?
Although I'm getting older, I believe that I can grow if I'm not too proud, and that I have to keep a humble attitude to learn, so I think there are still areas where I can grow and improve.
――What are the plays that you want to develop further?
I would like to improve the accuracy of my play when I am under fatigue. Even when I'm tired, I want to improve my performance in ball carrying, breakdown, and defense.
――You are aiming to play for 80 minutes continuously.
Rookies have joined the team, and there are more fast and strong players than before. Rugby itself is becoming more dynamic and I think the demands on our bodies are getting higher and higher. I want to continue to build a body that can play for a solid 80 minutes, and I have the desire to play for 80 minutes.

◆The experience of the 2019 Rugby World Cup was a big part of building more confidence
――Your recent look shows great confidence, was the experience of the 2019 Rugby World Cup significant?
I think the 2019 World Cup was a great experience in terms of building my confidence, and I learned a lot from it. As for this season, I've refreshed myself from that and my goal is to play well at Suntory and win the championship.
――Specifically, what kind of lessons did you learn?
Participating in the Japan national team, I learned a lot from Jamie Joseph Head Coach, such as how to read the lineout defense and how to steal the ball better. I have made some steals in the lineout this season, and I think I have improved my ability to read and predict the opponent's attack, not only in the lineout but also in the defense.

――You have players who are active on the international level joining the team, do you learn from those players?
It is difficult to learn how to play from them technically because they play different positions, but yes, they are playing at the international level, so it is important to learn how they are playing. You have to connect with them and play well to get results. And I feel that their professionalism is great.
――Tui, I believe you are one of the leaders in Sungoliath and you are also a communicator to teach.
I'm still a player, and I still have a lot to improve in terms of my play, so I don't play with the intention of teaching other players. Also, maybe it's my personality, but I don't really want to be a teacher or a coach.
In terms of leadership, I am one of the leadership group members of the team, so I want to share my experience, but I think I am more the type of person who expresses myself on the field.
――You really seem to enjoy playing rugby during the game, what do you enjoy the most?
First of all, winning is fun, but we work hard in practice, so I enjoy playing when the movements from the scrum and lineout work well in the game and lead to points and tries.

◆I want to win the championship and see my family
――I would like to ask you again, when you came to Japan from New Zealand, and when you moved from Panasonic to Suntory, I think those were two big challenges for you.
Both of my parents are from Auckland, and I was selected for the Auckland under-19 team, so my father wanted me to stay in New Zealand. It was a difficult choice to come to Japan from New Zealand.
The decision to move from Panasonic to Suntory was also a difficult one, but I think it was a smart decision to make. There were a lot of foreign Japanese passport holders in Panasonic, so considering my playing time, I am happy to have come to Suntory. I don't regret moving to Suntory at all, and I think I made a good decision. It was challenging, but I'm glad I made it through.

――What is the most important thing for you when making a decision?
When I make a decision, my family always comes first to my mind. When I came to Japan from New Zealand, I was 19 years old, and I wanted to support my parents, and when I moved from Panasonic to Suntory, my first son was 1 year old, so I thought carefully about my family before making my decision.
――Your children grown up?
They are 10 and 9 years old, and they don't play any particular sports. My oldest son plays video games, etc., and is a typical 10-year-old (laughs). I don't want to force my children to play sports.
――Is your family in Japan now?
They are in New Zealand. Due to Corona, we can't live together, so we've been living apart for about 7-8 months. I'm going to go back to New Zealand temporarily in June after the season is over, so I'll be able to see them then. I would love to win the championship and see my family.

◆There is good competition
――What do you want to challenge in the future?
Right now, I'm just focused on winning this season, but I'm getting older, so I'm working hard to make sure that I can play at this level for a long time.
There are some young and energetic players came into the same position, and I think the competition itself is very good for me and for the young players, and it's good for the team to have good competition.
――What are your personal goals and the goals of the team this season?
My personal goals and the team's goals are similar. We lost in the last finals, and this season will be our last Top League, so I really want to win.
I believe that winning this season will be a particularly meaningful. Including myself, some of us have not been able to see our family because of Corona, but I want to win the championship despite that difficulties. If we do that, I think everyone who supports us will be very proud and happy too.

(Interview & Structure: Kazuyoshi Hariya /Translator: Yuji Yamaguchi /Editing: Yutaro Igarashi)
[Photo: Aki Nagao]