STORIES─The Front Lines of Sustainability Activities

The Peatland Water Sanctuary Initiative: For Peat, an Important Ingredient in Whisky, and for the Future of the Planet

The Scots have always said that peatlands produce good water for making whisky. Peat, which accumulates in peatlands, is an important element in adding aroma to malt, a raw ingredient of whisky. In November 2021, the Suntory Group launched the Peatland Water Sanctuary (PWS) initiative to restore Scottish peatlands and conserve their water sources, which are being lost due to years of land development and excessive commercial exploitation. Alistair Longwell leads the project at Suntory Global Spirits in the UK, which plans to spend more than 4 million US dollars through 2030.

The Peatland Water Sanctuary™ Initiative: For Peat, an Important Ingredient in Whisky, and for the Future of the Planet

Peatlands Store More CO2 than Tropical Rainforests

It is well known that since ancient times, various types of soil have been utilized for beauty and health care purposes. Peat, another type of soil, is essential in the production of Scotch whisky, which brings people the moment of relaxation. The smoky flavor of Scotch comes from peat mined in peatlands, a type of wetlands. Peat is rich in organic matter that accumulates over many years and decomposes very slowly due to high moisture levels. Peat imparts a characteristic peaty flavor and aroma to the malts used in whisky. It has also been discovered that peat is important not only for human health, but also for the health of the earth. In fact, peat stores more carbon, which is the source of greenhouse gases, including CO2 and methane, than tropical rainforests do. Conversely, peatland destruction through mining and other forms of exploitation is associated with significant greenhouse gas release.

What is the Peatland Water Sanctuary (PWS) initiative?

Suntory Holdings and Suntory Global Spirits are collaborating with activities to restore the peatlands of Scotland. These preservation and restoration activities aim at ensuring the sustainability of peat, which is the key to whisky’s distinctive smoky flavor, and conserving and restoring peatlands, which are an important source of water for making whisky.
To restore peatlands damaged by mining, we employ measures such as damming drainage ditches dug during mining to raise water levels. We also reprofile steep slopes and re-distribute vegetation that was removed and set aside during mining over the bare ground. These measures promote regeneration of peatland vegetation and peat accumulation.

What is the Peatland Water Sanctuary™ (PWS) initiative?

In October 2021, Suntory Global Spirits and Suntory Holdings launched the Peatland Water Sanctuary (PWS) , a peatland- and water source-preservation initiative in Scotland. This project, like Suntory’s Natural Water Sanctuary initiative to create healthy forests, will include scientific research and engage in preservation activities spanning decades.

A view of restoration activity in the Ardmore Distillery catchment area. To preserve the peatland, the water table has been raised to restore wet conditions, nurture characteristic wetland vegetation and biodiversity, and encourage peat accumulation.

A view of restoration activity in the Ardmore Distillery catchment area. To preserve the peatland, the water table has been raised to restore wet conditions, nurture characteristic wetland vegetation and biodiversity, and encourage peat accumulation.

The PWS Initiative Embodies Suntory’s Spirit of Manufacturing

The PWS initiative aims to restore and preserve at least 1,300 hectares of peatland—enough to meet the Suntory Group’s annual needs for peat in the making of whisky—by 2030. Moreover, we plan to preserve a total area of land sufficient to yield double that amount of peat by 2040. We expect to restore 350 hectares or more by the end of 2024, and are planning to follow up by restoring an additional area of approximately 250 hectares by end of 2025.
Like Suntory’s Natural Water Sanctuaries, peatland restoration requires understanding and cooperation from landowners. We are therefore very encouraged by NatureScot, the Scotland’s government agency engaged in conservation of peatlands, has expressed their expectation and encouragement to landowners to participate in the PWS Initiative. It is extremely rewarding to see these efforts facilitating peatland sustainability.
Making the highest-quality whisky using traditional methods, while preserving the peatlands that supply an essential ingredient for that process—this is the Suntory spirit of manufacturing. The PWS Initiative is an activity that embodies Suntory’s ideals of Mizu to Ikiru (“Living with Water”.)

The PWS Initiative Embodies Suntory’s Spirit of Manufacturing

A quarter of Scotland is covered with peatland like this. An estimated 70% to 90% of these lands have suffered damage due to various forms of exploitation for horticultural, agricultural, and commercial uses*.

  • *
    Source: Scottish Natural Heritage (2015) Scotland’s National Peatland Plan. Working for our future.

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