Beam Suntory Inc.

  • Head Office
    222 W. Merchandise Mart Plaza, Chicago, IL 60654 USA
  • Established
    May 2014 (November 1966 as Jim B. Beam)
  • Business Activities
    Production and sale of bourbon whiskey and other premium spirits
  • Website
Beam Suntory Inc.

Company Overview and Philosophy

As a world leader in premium spirits, we have made long-term commitments to sustainability across every facet of our value chain, from seed to sip – a program known as Proof Positive. Our commitments to nature, consumers, and communities are aligned to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They aim to create a more sustainable and equitable future for Beam Suntory and all our stakeholders.

Company Overview and Philosophy

As we continue progressing our Proof Positive commitment, we will disclose progress against our targets each year. We launched our sustainability report, reflecting the latest in our strategy and progress.

Click here for details of our strategy and progress.