The Suntory Group has established the following tax policy based on the concepts of the Suntory Group Code of Business Ethics.
Below is the summary of Global Tax Policy.
Operate effective tax governance to meet our compliance obligations:
We ensure tax compliance through regular reviews by the CFO of compliance with our global tax policy, clear reporting line at a global level, and the effective use of external professional advisors.
Create synergies by maximizing returns, whilst paying the right amount of tax:
We, as a good corporate citizen, will pay what we determine in good faith to be the correct amount of tax in a tax efficient manner. To create sustainable businesses, we will consider the most tax efficient way, however, we will give the highest priority to business reasons and will not enter into any aggressive tax planning arrangements which we determine have the sole purpose of achieving a tax advantage.
Pursue long term interests of society and our stakeholders:
We will maintain an open and transparent relationship with tax authorities in the jurisdictions in which we operate. Specifically, we will discuss with tax authorities in a timely and appropriate manner, we maintain full and timely disclosure of necessary information as required by law or queries from tax authorities, and if any disputes arise, we strive to achieve early agreement and resolution with tax authorities.
Ensure the business is provided with timely support on tax issues:
We form active links between the tax teams and the business divisions in order to achieve our commercial objectives. Specifically, our tax teams provide the business divisions with sufficient tax awareness to support them in making optimized business decisions.
Income Taxes Paid
Japan | Overseas | Total | |
2022 | 19.3 | 40.2 | 59.5 |
2023 | 34.7 | 39.4 | 74.1 |
*The above amounts are based on "Country-by-Country Report" submitted to Japanese Tax Authorities, and not directly related to the Consolidated Financial Statements.