Performance Data

The Suntory Group has brought together its performance for the main indicators (management, environment, and society) on our sustainabilitysite and other media.
Actual results marked with ★ have received independent assurance by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd. In accordance with International Standard on Assurance Engagement (ISAE) 3000 and ISAE 3410.

Independent assurance report

Key Financial Data

Consolidated financial Results

  • Consolidated Revenue
    Consolidated Revenue
  • Consolidated Operating Income
    Consolidated Operating Income
  • Sales by Business Segment
    Sales by Business Segment
  • Sales by Area
    Sales by Area

Economic contribution*

2023 (Billions of yen)
Economic contribution Revenues 2,952.1
Operating costs 1,018.7
Employee wages and benefits 453.6
Payments to providers of capital 70.8
Payments to government 83.3
Community investment 7.3
Financial assistance from government
Financial investment contribution
Capex - depreciation 66.4
Share buybacks plus dividend payments 44.2
Total R&D expenses 29.8
Total global tax 83.3
  • *
    Disclose based on the core metrics of Measuring Stakeholder Capitalism-Toward Common Metrics and Consistent Reporting of Sustainable Value Creation, as recommended by the World Economic Forum's International Business Council.

Environmental Data

Targets and Progress<Water>

2030 2023
Reduction of water used in direct operation
Reduce the water intensity of production at our owned plants*1
by 35%*2 globally. In addition, explore reduction of absolute amount of water withdrawn in highly water stressed areas
Reduced the water intensity of production by 28% compared to 2015.
Water replenishment
Replenish more than 100% of water used in at least 50% of our owned plants*1 globally, including all those in highly water stressed areas, through local water source conservation efforts.
Water resource cultivation activities implemented in 41% of all owned plants globally.
For the plants located in highly water stressed areas, activities are implemented in 37% of those areas.
Sustainable water use in raw ingredients
Collaborate with suppliers to improve water-use efficiency in the production of water-intensive key ingredients*3 in highly water stressed areas.
  • As an initiative on barley production through regenerative agriculture, we began working with our malt suppliers to verify the improvement of water use efficiency by improving soil water retention.
  • Started building a pilot program to assess and support water use through regenerative agriculture for coffee farmers in the Cerrado region of Brazil.
Water education and access to safe water
Expand water education programs and initiatives to provide safe water access for more than 1 million people.
Total 1,070,000 people
Water education program: 710,000 people
Provision of safe water: 360,000 people
  • *1
    Suntory Group plants that manufactures finished products
  • *2
    Reduction per unit production based on the business fields in 2015
  • *3
    Coffee, barley, grapes

Water Use Performance

Area Water use (thousand m3)
(base year)
2020 2021 2022 2023
Japan 21,816 20,752 20,461 21,230 To be
updated at
the end of
Americas 8,132 6,737 6,253 4,919
Europe 6,473 5,454 5,985 6,270
Asia 4,492 6,364 6,212 6,761
Oceania 562 444 424 397
Africa 216 89 84 -
Total 41,692 39,840 39,419 39,576★
  • *
    2015 (base year): Data covers 25 production plants in Japan and 59 production plants overseas *2022:Data covers 27 production plants in Japan and 62 production plants overseas
  • *
    Therein, the water use by Suntory Beverage & Food Group in Japan and overseas was 22,916 thousand m3★
  • *
    Results have received independent assurance from KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd. The assured numerical values are indicated with ★.

Trends in Water use and Water intensity of Production (Results for 2023 to be updated at the end of July)

Water use
  • *
    Per unit production is the amount of usage per kiloliter produced
  • *
    2022 data covers 27 production plants in Japan and 62 production plants overseas.

Amount of water usage by water source

Intake source Amount of water (thousand m3)
2020 2021 2022 2023
Groundwater 17,698 17,129 17,520 To be
updated at
the end of
Rivers/lakes 6,097 5,565 3,986
Rain water 0 0 0
City water 16,045 16,725 18,070
Water supplied from external sources (recycled water) 0 0 0
Total 39,840 39,419 39,576★
  • *
    Data covers 27 production plants in Japan and 62 production plants overseas
  • *
    Industrial water was reclassified from Rivers/lakes to City water, resulting in the restatement of the breakdown for 2020 and 2021.
  • *
    Results have received independent assurance from KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd. The assured numerical values are indicated with ★.

Water discharge

Destination Waste Water (thousand m3)
2020 2021 2022 2023
Rivers/lakes 13,611 14,204 14,283 To be
updated at
the end of
Sea 967 1,088 1,086
Sewers 8,283 8,614 8,599
Others (for watering plants, etc.) 55 113 124
Total 22,917 24,019 24,092★
  • *
    Data covers 27 production plants in Japan and 62 production plants overseas
  • *
    Results have received independent assurance from KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd. The assured numerical values are indicated with ★.

Number of participants in the Suntory Mizuiku

Area 2020 2021 2022 2023
Japan 9,800 22,100 24,600 To be
updated at
the end of
Vietnam 14,100 44,700 61,100
Thailand 4,100 6,600 3,700
France 100 400 300
China 4,000 18,700
Spain 400
United Kingdom (Starts in 2023)
New Zealand (Starts in 2023)
  • *
    The number of participants includes children, parents, teachers, and expert instructors.

Targets and Progress<GHG>

2030 2023
Reduce GHG emissions from our direct operations by 50%*1 24% reduction compared to 2019
Reduce GHG emissions across our entire value chain by 30%*1 To be updated at the end of July*2
  • *1
    Based on emissions in 2019.
  • *2
    (Reference) 2022 Progress
    Direct operations: 16.9% reduction
    Entire value chain: 3.5% reduction

Scope 1 and 2 Emissions

Area Scope GHG emissions
(Scope1 : thousand tons CO2e, Scope2 : thousand tons CO2
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Japan Scope 1 250 248 246 233 To be
updated at
the end of
Scope 2 183 169 172 58
Scope 1+2 433 417 418 292
Americas Scope 1 162 149 179 209
Scope 2 63 19 13 10
Scope 1+2 225 168 192 220
Europe Scope 1 108 98 107 91
Scope 2 17 1 1 0
Scope 1+2 125 98 108 91
Asia Scope 1 51 45 50 55
Scope 2 153 131 155 179
Scope 1+2 204 176 206 234
Oceania Scope 1 11 9 9 6
Scope 2 7 4 4 1
Scope 1+2 19 13 13 7
Africa Scope 1 7 6 8 -
Scope 2 1 0 0 -
Scope 1+2 8 6 8 -
Total Scope 1 590 555 599 594
Scope 2 424 324 345 248
Scope 1+2 1,014 879 944 843
  • *
    Data covers GHG emissions for the entire Suntory Group are calculated.
    Out of 843 thousand t-CO2e in the table above, Scopes 1 and 2 emissions of 796 thousand t-CO2e★ (Scope 1: 549 thousand t-CO2e★, Scope 2: 247 thousand t-CO2★) have been externally assured, which do not include emissions of GHG other than CO2 at overseas production plants and CO2 emissions at non-production sites outside of Japan. The reporting boundary for the figures externally assured is as follows:
    27 production plants in Japan, 62 production plants overseas, and non-production sites in Japan (offices such as main office, training sites, R&D facilities, sales sites, restaurants and development sites)
  • *
    Out of 843 thousand t-CO2e in the table above, the Suntory Beverage and Foods Group's Scopes 1 and 2 emissions of 473 thousand t-CO2e★ (Scope 1: 214 thousand t-CO2e★, Scope 2: 212 thousand t-CO2★) have been externally assured, which do not include emissions of GHG other than CO2 at overseas production plants and CO2 emissions at non-production sites outside of Japan. The reporting boundary for the figures externally assured is as follows:
    10 production plants in Japan, 38 production plants overseas, and non-production sites in Japan (offices such as main office, training sites, R&D facilities, sales sites, restaurants and development sites)
  • *
    Results have received independent assurance from KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd. The assured numerical values are indicated with ★.
  • *
    Emission factors for GHG calculation are as follows:

    For Japan: Factors specified by the Act on the Rational Use of Energy and the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures.
    For overseas: Factors obtained from fuel suppliers or factors specified by the Act on the Rational Use of Energy and the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures.

    GHG from Electricity consumption:
    For Japan: The adjusted emission factors for each electric power company specified by the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures.
    For overseas: Factors obtained from individual power suppliers or IEA emission factors by country.

    GHG other than CO2:
    For 27 plants in Japan: Factors specified by the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures

  • *
    The total may not match the sum of each figure due to rounding.

Energy Consumption

  2020 2021 2022 2023
Energy Consumption 3,697,891 4,019,785 4,173,252 To be
updated at
the end of
Renewable Energy
226,864 416,234 787,831
Energy Intensity(MWh/KL) 0.35 0.37 0.35

Scope 3 Emissions (Results for 2023 to be updated at the end of July)

Suntory Group (Results for 2022)
Category Emissions
(thousand tons CO2e)
Calculation Method
1. Purchased goods and services 4,759★ [Raw Materials and Packages] Calculated by multiplying the weight of raw materials and packaging materials purchased for products manufactured and sold by the beverage and food business, alcoholic beverage business, and health food business of the Suntory Group (in Japan and overseas) by the emission factors.
45% of Category 1 GHG emissions are calculated using emission factors calculated from the GHG emissions of suppliers of raw materials and packaging materials.
[Contract manufacturers] Calculated by multiplying the volume of the products that Suntory Group (in Japan) , Suntory Global Spirits, Suntory Beverage & Food Europe, and Frucor Suntory Group have outsourced to contract manufacturers by the emission factors.
2. Capital Goods 530★ Calculated by multiplying the amount of capital expenditure excluding land expenditure of Suntory Group by emission factors.
3. Fuel and energy-related activities not included in Scope 1 or 2 136 Calculated by multiplying the amount of energy consumed by Suntory Group by emission factors.
4. Upstream transportation and distribution 433 Calculated by multiplying the transportation volume in tons-km of goods owned by Suntory Group by emission factors.
5. Waste generated in operations 7 Calculated by multiplying the weight of waste disposed by Suntory Group by emission factors.
6. Business travel 10 Calculated by multiplying the amount of business travel expenses of Suntory Group by emission factors.
7. Employee commuting 45 Calculated by multiplying the amount of commuting expenses of Suntory Group by emission factors.
8. Upstream leased assets 40 Calculated by multiplying the storage volume as well as the floor area of distribution centers rented by Suntory Group by emission factors.
9. Downstream transportation and distribution 248 Calculated by multiplying the transportation volume in tons-km of Suntory Group by emission factors.
10. Processing of sold products None
11. Use of sold products 76 Calculated by multiplying the sales volume of goods of Suntory Group by emission factors.
12. End-of-life treatment of sold products 481★ Calculated by multiplying the weight of packaging materials purchased by the Suntory Group by emission factors.
13. Downstream leased assets 348★ Calculated by multiplying the electricity used by leased assets of Suntory Group (In Japan) by emission factors.
14. Franchises 17 Calculated as Scopes 1 and 2 CO2 emissions from the direct operations of companies and stores franchised by the Suntory group.
15. Investments None
Total 7,128★
  • *
    The Suntory Group's beverage and food, alcoholic beverages, and health food businesses in Japan and overseas are included in the scope. For some overseas group companies, emissions were estimated by using Japan-based emission factors or production volume in Japan.
  • *
    Emission factors used to calculate emissions for Japan include the following:
    a) "Emission factor database for corporate GHG emissions accounting over the supply chain (Version 3.2)" (March 2022, Japan's Ministry of the Environment)
    b) "LCI Database IDEA Version 2.3" (Advanced LCA Research Group, The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology and Sustainable Management Promotion Organization)
  • *
    Results have received independent assurance from KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd. The assured value is indicated with ★.
Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd. (Results for 2022)
Category Emissions
(thousand tons CO2e)
Calculation Method
1. Purchased goods and services 3,487★ [Raw Materials and Packages] Calculated by multiplying the weight of raw materials and packaging materials purchased for products manufactured and sold by the Suntory Beverage & Food Group (in Japan and overseas) by the emission factors.
40% of Category 1 GHG emissions are calculated using emission factors calculated from the GHG emissions of suppliers of raw materials and packaging materials.
[Contract manufacturers] Calculated by multiplying the volume of the products that Suntory Beverage & Food Group (in Japan) , Suntory Beverage & Food Europe, and Frucor Suntory Group have outsourced to contract manufacturers by the emission factors.
2. Capital Goods 145★ Calculated by multiplying the amount of capital expenditure excluding land expenditure of Suntory Beverage & Food Group by emission factors.
3. Fuel and energy-related activities not included in Scope 1 or 2 68 Calculated by multiplying the amount of energy consumed by Suntory Beverage & Food Group by corresponding emission factors.
4. Upstream transportation and distribution 271 Calculated by multiplying the transportation volume in tons-km of goods owned by Suntory Beverage & Food Group by corresponding emission factors.
5. Waste generated in operations 4 Calculated by multiplying the weight of waste disposed by Suntory Beverage & Food Group by corresponding emission factors.
6. Business travel 7 Calculated by multiplying the amount of business travel expenses of Suntory Beverage & Food Group by corresponding emission factors.
7. Employee commuting 29 Calculated by multiplying the amount of commuting expenses of Suntory Beverage & Food Group by corresponding emission factors.
8. Upstream leased assets 32 Calculated by multiplying the storage volume as well as the floor area of distribution centers rented by Suntory Beverage & Food Group by emission factors.
9. Downstream transportation and distribution 199 Calculated by multiplying the transportation volume in tons-km and sales volume of goods of Suntory Beverage & Food Group by corresponding emission factors.
10. Processing of sold products None
11. Use of sold products 61 Calculated by multiplying the sales volume of goods of Suntory Beverage & Food Group by corresponding emission factors.
12. End-of-life treatment of sold products 365★ Calculated by multiplying the weight of packaging materials purchased by the Suntory Beverage & Food Group by emission factors.
13. Downstream leased assets 317★ Calculated by multiplying the electricity used by leased assets of Suntory Beverage & Food Group (In Japan) by emission factors.
14. Franchises 9 Calculated as Scopes 1 and 2 CO2 emissions from the direct operations of companies and stores franchised by the Suntory Beverage & Food Group.
15. Investments None
Total 4,994★
  • *
    The Suntory Beverage & Food Group's beverage and food businesses in Japan and overseas are included in the scope. For some overseas group companies, emissions were estimated by using Japan-based emission factors or production volume in Japan.
  • *
    Emission factors used to calculate emissions for Japan include the following:
    a) "Emission factor database for corporate GHG emissions accounting over the supply chain (Version 3.2)" (March 2022, Japan's Ministry of the Environment)
    b) "LCI Database IDEA Version 2.3" (Advanced LCA Research Group, The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology and Sustainable Management Promotion Organization)
  • *
    Results have received independent assurance from KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd. The assured value is indicated with ★.

SOx emissions

2020 2021 2022 2023
Emissions (t) 10.4 3.4 2.1 To be
updated at
the end of
Per Unit (g/kL) 2.2 0.7 0.4
  • *
    27 production plants in Japan

NOx emissions

2020 2021 2022 2023
Emissions (t) 151.6 141.8 108.1 To be
updated at
the end of
Per Unit (g/kL) 32.2 29.8 21.1
  • *
    27 production plants in Japan

By-products and Waste Generation Performance

Area Amount of discharge (thousand tons)
2020 2021 2022 2023
Japan 228 218 230 To be
updated at
the end of
Americas 156 410 541
Europe 95 119 144
Asia 32 30 54
Oceania 7 7 6
Africa 0 0 -
Total 518 783 975★
  • *
    Data covers 27 production plants in Japan and 62 production plants overseas
  • *
    The increase in emissions for Americas is due to the expansion of waste and by-products that should be included from FY2021. The amount of the waste and by-products increased by 144 thousand tons for this reason.
  • *
    The increase in emissions for Asia is due to the expansion of waste and by-products that should be included from FY2022. The amount of the waste and by-products increased by 15 thousand tons for this reason.
  • *
    Therein, the byproducts and waste generated by Suntory Beverage & Food Group in Japan and overseas amount to 184 thousand tons★
  • *
    Results have received independent assurance from KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd. The assured numerical values are indicated with ★.

Recycling Rate of Japanese Plants and Flow for reuse of by-products and waste generated in each production process

  2020 2021 2022 2024
Amount of discharge (thousand ton) 228 218 230 To be
updated at
the end of
Amount recycled (thousand ton) 228 217 230
recycling rate (%) 100.0 99.7 100.0
Recycling Rate of Japanese Plants and Flow for reuse of by-products and waste generated in each production process

By-products and Waste generation, recycling rate and the purpose of use for recycled products

Type of waste Main Purpose of Use 2020 2021 2022 2023
Generation (t) Recycling Rate (%) Generation (t) Recycling Rate (%) Generation (t) Recycling Rate (%) Generation (t) Recycling Rate (%)
Vegetable (glycation, tea, coffee dregs, etc.) - Animal feed
- Fertilizer
164,185 100 158,823 100 167,855 100 To be
updated at
the end of
Sludge (excess sludge, etc.) - Fertilizer 30,275 100 27,337 100 28,396 100
Wood waste (cask, palletes) - Animal feed
- Fertilizer
5,186 100 5,267 100 3,658 100
Glass and ceramic scrap - Glass materials
- Base course material
2,285 100 1,337 100 1,172 100
Paper scraps (cardboards, paper labels, etc.) - Recycled paper
- Cardboard materials
5,520 100 5,398 100 5,735 100
Plastic - Palette
- Solid fuel
- Supplementary fuel
6,033 100 5,796 100 5,810 100
Metal scraps (aluminum, steel) - Aluminum
- Steel ingredients
3,314 100 3,506 100 3,123 100
Other 11,558 100 9,731 100 13,979 100
Total 228,355 100 217,925 100 229,728 100.0
  • *
    Data covers 27 production plants in Japan

Suntory Group's Environmental Accounting (total of business in Japan)

(Period: January 1 to December 31, 2022)

(million yen)
Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Environmental investment Environmental costs Environmental investment Environmental costs Environmental investment Environmental costs Environmental investment Environmental costs
Business area cost Pollution prevention cost
  • Preventing water pollution
  • Air pollution prevention cost, etc.
735 2,082 530 2,070 662 2,280 To be
updated at
the end of
Global environmental preservation cost
  • GHG reduction
  • Energy conservation
  • Cogeneration
  • Air treatment, etc.
428 2,730 651 2,843 956 3,100
Resource circulation cost
  • Conserving water through recirculation
  • Reducing sludge
  • Reusing waste
  • Wastewater treatment cost, etc.
153 3,413 66 4,027 21 3,650
Total 1,315 8,225 1,247 8,940 1,639 9,030
Upstream and downstream cost
  • Commission for resource recycling containers and packaging
  • Environmentally-friendly containers and packaging measures
0 1,187 0 1,387 0 1,386
Management activities costs
  • Building and maintaining Environmental Management System
  • Sustainability Reports, Exhibits
  • Factory greenification, etc.
0 714 0 921 0 768
Research and development costs
  • Research and development activities to reduce environmental impact
9 324 3 317 35 284
Social activities costs
  • Suntory Natural Water Sanctuary
  • Bird Conservation Activities
  • Suntory Mizuiku - Natural Water Education Program, etc.
70 503 47 514 75 629
Environmental damage response cost   0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1,394 10,953 1,298 12,080 1,748 12,097
  • *
    Amount of investment: Reason for investment was 50% or more for preserving the environment, all amount is considered as environmental investment (inspection basis)
  • *
    Amortization expense: Expenses for investment from 2003 and afterwards which 50% or more is intended for environmental preservation are calculated.
  • *
    In general, all cost for management and research activities are directly confirmed. Costs that are difficult to confirm directly are prorated and allocated based on a past survey of each procedure.

Environmental Preservation Effect of Suntory Group (production sites in Japan)

(Period: January 1 to December 31, 2022)

Item Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023 Reduction against previous fiscal year per unit production basis
In business area costs Pollution prevention Reduction of pollutant emissions SOx Total (t) 10.4 3.4 2.1 To be
updated at
the end of
Per Unit (g/kL) 2.2 0.7 0.4
NOx Total (t) 152.3 141.8 108.1 44.3
Per Unit (g/kL) 32.4 29.4 21.1
Preserving global environment GHG emission reduction GHG (Fuel + Electricity) Derivation Total (thousand t) 343.7 347.4 225.5 148.4
Per Unit (kg/kL) 72.9 71.9 44.0
Reduction of energy consumption Fuel Crude oil conversion (thousand kL) 104 102 111 11,150.7
Per Unit (L/kL) 22.1 21.2 21.8
Electricity Total amount (million kWh) 340 352 383 -1,012.2
Per Unit (kWh/kL) 72.3 72.9 74.8
Resource circulation Reduction of water resource use Water use Total amount (thousand m3) 20,752 20,461 21,230 1,024.1
Per Unit (m3/kL) 4.4 4.2 4.1
Reduction of waste emissions By-products and waste emissions Total (t) 228,355 209,683 229,207 3,897.0
Per Unit (kg/kL) 48.6 43.4 44.8
Resource recycling rate (%) 100 100 100  
  • *
    Electricity based GHG emissions are the adjusted emission factors for each electric power company as specified by the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures.

Economic effect of Suntory Group (production sites in Japan)

(million yen)
Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Income from recycling (sales of byproducts) 305 326 333
Cost saved by conserving energy -242 150 731

Environmental Training

Name Target Number of participating employees
Onboarding training (environmental management class) New employees All
ISO14001 awareness and special education Plant employees All
Sustainability management training (e-learning, etc.) Group employees in Japan 19,757
Training for newly appointed employees in charge of ISO14001 Employees in charge of ISO14001 17
Internal ISO14001 auditor training Internal ISO14001 auditor 57
Environmental Law Training Employees from relevant departments 49
Wastes Disposal and Public Cleansing Act seminar Employees from relevant departments 411

Social Data

Employee Composition

Employee Composition 2021 2022 2023 scope
Number of Suntory Group employees(people) 40,275 40,885 41,511 All Suntory Group companies
  Suntory Group companies within Japan(people) 18,671 18,923 19,330
  Suntory Group companies outside Japan(people) 21,604 21,962 22,181
  Of which, employees of Suntory Holdings and Suntory Beverage & Food(people) 7,291 7,385 7,723 Suntory Holdings Limited and Suntory Beverage & Food Japan
  Regular employees(people) 6,997 7,078 7,411
  (Average age)(year ) 43 43 43
  Executives(people) 62 67 66
  Advisors(people) 33 34 25
  Non-regular employees(contract employees, etc.)(people) 158 166 184
  Other(athletes, etc.)(people) 41 40 36

Employee Retention

Employee Retention 2021 2022 2023 scope
Number of new hires(people) 146 209 270 Suntory Holdings Limited and Suntory Beverage & Food Japan
  Number of recent graduates hired(people) 113 114 168
  Number of mid-career hires(people) 33 95 102
Number of employees leaving the company(includes voluntary termination, retirement, death, and punitive dismissal)(people) 186 200 212
  Of which, employees leaving the company voluntarily(people) 56 56 62
Employee turnover rate(%) 0.8 0.8 0.9
Percentage of new graduate hires who are still with the company after 5 years *1(%) 90 90 88.2
Average number of years of service(years) 18.0 18.0 17.7
  • *1
    Calculated for new graduate hires (regular employees) of Suntory Holdings and Suntory Foods International from 2016 to 2018.

Career Development

Career Development 2021 2022 2023 scope
Number of employees submitting applications through the career development internal recruitment system*1(entry) 191 249 226 Suntory Holdings Limited and Suntory Beverage & Food Japan
Number of employees whose applications were approved(people) 31 36 31
Career Vision interview*2 implementation rate (%) 98.1 97.2 97.4
Career Vision: Motivation in current position (out of 5)(point) 4.1 4.1 4.13
Career Vision: Satisfaction with current position (out of 5)(point) 3.8 3.8 3.8
Number of employees holding other positions concurrently(people) 94 139 136
Number of employees submitting entries to the “Walk the Walk—Yatte Minahare Award”*3(entry) 300 483 482 All Suntory Group companies
Number of employees joining the FRONTIER DOJO internal entrepreneurship project*4(entry) 294 97 105 Suntory Group companies with in Japan
Number of employees attending the Career Workshop*5
  3rd year(2022~)/4th year(~2021)after joining the company*6(people) 129 303 127 Suntory Holdings Limited and Suntory Beverage & Food Japan
  10th year after joining the company(people) 298 121 160
  40s (including the compulsory workshop at the age of 43 [instituted in 2021] and other workshops for which participation is voluntary)(people) 230 253 288
  50s (including the compulsory workshop at the age of 58 and other workshops for which participation is voluntary)(people) 243 191 181
  Number of career support interviews held by the Career Development Center (interview) 888 1,409 1,929
  • *1
    This is an initiative that contributes to the growth of individual businesses and the personal growth of employees by cultivating new capabilities in a manner which is free from preconceived ideas.
  • *2
    Career Vision interviews are held for each employee once a year, to provide an opportunity for employees to think about their career through discussion with a manager, with the aim of “fostering the growth of individual employees through self-directed career development, and ensuring the effective utilization of human talent, including making sure that the right people are in the right positions.”
  • *3
    The “Walk the Walk—Yatte Minahare Award” is presented to teams that embody the “Yatte Minahare” spirit through the undertaking of original activities that challenge preconceptions and conventional methods.
  • *4
    In-house venture project started in 2021 to generate innovation and create the Suntory of the future
  • *5
    The Career Workshop is implemented in milestone years to provide an opportunity, in the form of a workshop, for employees to think about their careers, with the aim of “Enhancing career development over the medium to long term, and promoting more self-directed career management.”


Learning 2021 2022 2023 scope
Training expenditure per employee per year(yen) - 301,000 368,000 Suntory Holdings Limited and Suntory Beverage & Food Japan
Suntory Self-Development Program
  Number of employees participating in voluntary training(people) 848 3,810 2,757 Suntory Holdings Limited and Suntory Beverage & Food Japan
  Number of employees undertaking e-learning(people) 775 1,015 1,042
Total number of participants in the Terakoya program*1 (people) 32,196 27,465 29,524 Suntory Group companies with in Japan
Number of employees participating in global talent cultivation initiatives
  Global Leadership Forum(people) 16 15 21 All Suntory Group companies
  Suntory Harvard Program(people) - 31 20
  Beyond Borders(people) 25 26 26
  Global Leadership Development Program(people) 26 29 50
  Ambassador Program(people) 39 26 - Suntory Group companies outside Japan
  Total number of trainees successfully completing the program(people) 23 21 26 Suntory Holdings Limited and Suntory Beverage & Food Japan
  Number of users of the School of Global Studies (opening in 2022)(people) - 2,313 3,650 Suntory Group companies with in Japan
  • *1
    A learning platform based on the concepts of "learning," "connecting," and "teaching each other" to foster a culture of more proactive learning


Gender 2021 2022 2023 scope
Percentage of new hires that are female(%) 37.0 48.0 49.6 Suntory Holdings Limited and Suntory Beverage & Food Japan
Percentage of female employees (%) 25.5 26.2 27.6
Percentage of female employees by age group
  20s(%) 42.6 42.6 44.9 Suntory Holdings Limited and Suntory Beverage & Food Japan
  30s(%) 29.2 30.7 32.1
  40s(%) 21.1 21.8 23.0
  50s(%) 20.4 20.7 20.6
  60s(%) 13.1 15.6 16.8
Number of female managers(people) 196 197 215 Suntory Holdings Limited and Suntory Beverage & Food Japan
  Percentage of female managers(%) 11.2 11.1 11.8
Number of female Executives(people) 4 4 7
  Percentage of female Executives(%) 6.5 6.0 10.6
Female employees' salary as a percentage of male employees' salary*1
  All employees(%)   72.4 72.1 Suntory Holdings Limited and Suntory Beverage & Food Japan
  Of which, regular employees(%)   72.9 72.4
  Of which, non-regular employees(%)   41.5 52.8
  • *
    Includes athletes employed by Suntory Holdings Limited.
Balancing work responsibilities with childcare and nursing care responsibilities 2021 2022 2023 scope
Number of female employees taking childcare leave(people) 102 104 104 Suntory Holdings Limited and Suntory Beverage & Food Japan
  Percentage of employees taking childcare leave(%) 105.2 108.3 96.3
Number of male employees taking childcare leave(people) 134 154 205
  Percentage of employees taking childcare leave(%) 58.3 79.8 98.1
Number of employees registering with the Job Return program in the current year(people) 14 11 6
Number of employees taking nursing care leave(people) 2 0 2
Number of employees making use of company-arranged home help services(people) 4 3 0
Senior employees 2021 2022 2023 scope
Number of employees re-employed by the company at the age of 65(people) 37 39 36 Suntory Holdings Limited and Suntory Beverage & Food Japan
  Percentage of employees re-employed by the company at the age of 65(%) 37 40 39
Disability 2021 2022 2023 scope
Number of employees who have a disability(people) 108 105 117 Suntory Holdings Limited
  Percentage of employees who have a disability(%) 3.07 3.04 2.97
Number of employees who have a disability(people) 41 41 41 Suntory Beverage & Food Japan
  Percentage of employees who have a disability(%) 2.69 2.65 2.69


Workstyles 2021 2022 2023 scope
Average number of days of annual paid leave taken*1(day) 17.1 17.6 17.6 Suntory Holdings Limited and Suntory Beverage & Food Japan
Average overtime hours worked per month(hour) 18.5 18.7 19.2 Suntory Group companies with in Japan*2
  • *1
    Encourage all employees to take at least 16 days of paid leave per year
  • *2
    Includes Suntory Holdings Ltd., Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd., Suntory Spirits Ltd., Suntory Products Ltd., Suntory Foods Ltd., Suntory Business Systems Ltd., Suntory Wellness Ltd., Suntory Global Innovation Center Ltd., and, Suntory System Technology Ltd.

Occupational Safety

Occupational Safety 2021 2022 2023 scope
Occupational accident severity rate (%) 0.000 0.000 0.001 Suntory Group companies with in Japan*1
Lost time incident rate (LTIR) (incidents per million working hours)(%) 0.07 ★0.14 0.21
Number of employees undergoing occupational health and safety education(people) 717 712 656
Total annual hours worked per employee(hour) 1,874 1,869 1,921
Deaths due to occupational accidents(people) 0 0 0 Suntory Holdings Limited and Suntory Beverage & Food Japan
  • *1
    Occupational accidents involving full-time employees, special contract employees and part-time employees working at the following Suntory Group companies are included: Suntory Holdings Ltd., Suntrory Beverage & Food Group, (Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd., Suntory Foods Ltd., Suntory Products Ltd.), Suntory Spirits Ltd., Suntory Wellness Ltd., Suntory Business Systems Ltd. and Suntory Global Innovation Center Ltd.
  • *
    Results have received independent assurance from KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd. The assured value is indicated with ★.

Labor Practices

Labor Practices 2021 2022 2023 scope
Percentage of employees with the legal right to engage in collective bargaining(%) 55.8 54.5 52.5 Suntory Holdings Limited and Suntory Beverage & Food Japan


Health 2021 2022 2023 scope
Percentage of employees having a health examination(%) 99.4 100.0 100.0 Suntory Group companies with in Japan*3
Percentage of employees having a further examination or in-depth examination(%) 74.1 83 91.1
Percentage of employees eligible for specific health guidelines(%) 21.4 21.4 21.4
Percentage of smokers who are non-smokers or currently quitting smoking(%) 82.7 83.5 83.1
Percentage of employees having stress checks(%) 94.8 90.5 90.5
Percentage of employees found not to have high stress levels(%) 93.0 91.8 91.9
Presenteeism*1(%) 79.2 79.1 79.8
Absenteeism (number of days absence due to injury or illness)*2(day) 0.5 0.7 0.7
  • *1
    Work productivity (4-week average), with 100% representing no injuries or illness.
  • *2
    Number of days on which employees are unable to work due to feeling unwell (3-month average)
  • *3
    Includes Suntory Holdings Ltd., Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd., Suntory Spirits Ltd., Suntory Products Ltd., Suntory Foods Ltd., Suntory Business Systems Ltd., Suntory Wellness Ltd., Suntory Global Innovation Center Ltd., and, Suntory System Technology Ltd.


Engagement 2021 2022 2023 scope
Engagement Survey response rate(%) 97.0 96.0 96.0 Suntory Group companies with in Japan*1
Percentage of Favorable Respondents Regarding Pride in Working for the Suntory Group(%) 85 82 85
Proud to work for Suntory Group (out of 100)(point) 81 79 81
Percentage of favorable respondents regarding satisfaction with company (company they work for)(%) 76 73 69
Satisfaction with company (company you work for) (out of 100)(point) 73 72 70
  • *1
    Includes Suntory Holdings Ltd., Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd., Suntory Spirits Ltd., Suntory Products Ltd., Suntory Foods Ltd., Suntory Business Systems Ltd., Suntory Wellness Ltd., Suntory Global Innovation Center Ltd., and, Suntory System Technology Ltd.

Overseas Data To be updated at the end of July

Employee Number (Y2022)

Region - Employee number40,885
 Asia, Oceania(people)9,657
Business - Employee number40,885
 Beverages & Food(people)23,485
 Corporate (common)(people)1,213

Gender Ratio (Y2022)

 Suntory Beverage
& Food (APAC)
Suntory Beverage
& Food(Europe)
Suntory Global Spirits Inc.Suntory Japan*
Percentage of new hires that
are female(%)
Percentage of female employees(%)33353826
Average age of male employee(years)37454244
Average age of female employee(years)37414040
Average age of Executives(years)56535560
Percentage of female managers(%)33354311
Percentage of female Executives(%)836176
Average number of years of service
for female(years)
Average number of years of service
for male(years)
  • *
    People based in Suntory Holdings Limited and Suntory Beverage & Food Japan.

Engagement (Y2022)

 Suntory Beverage
& Food (APAC)**
Suntory Beverage
& Food(Europe)
Suntory Global Spirits Inc.Suntory Japan***
Engagement Survey score(point)80918972
  • **
    Suntory Beverage & Food (APAC) Score is 2021 result as Engagement Survey was not conducted in 2022.
  • ***
    People based in Suntory Holdings Limited, Suntory Beverage & Food Japan, Suntory Spirits Ltd., Suntory Products Limited, Suntory Foods Limited, Suntory Business Systems Ltd., Suntory Wellness Ltd., Suntory Global Innovation Center Ltd. and Suntory System Technology Ltd.